Fashion flippers: changing your look for your man

Hear that?

Gigi Hadid's look was more clueless-college-girl when she was dating Cody Simpson.

Gigi Hadid's look was more clueless-college-girl when she was dating Cody Simpson. Photo: Getty Images

Hear that? It's the sound of your style, whizzing right by you, like the new Tesla in a high-speed car race. It got swooped up and discarded in the whirlwind that is your new love and is now currently residing far, far away. In it's place is your partner's style. He might be a bad boy, like Zayn Malik, the outcast of One Direction who left the band to pursue his own music and is now dating the hottest model on the planet, Gigi Hadid.

Gigi has slowly but surely changed her sunny style from LA golden girl to hardcore biker chick, to go with her new boyfriend's darker reputation. Previously, she was dating Cody Simpson, a boy singer equally as fair as she is, and her wardrobe was more clueless-college-girl than Apollonia in Purple Rain .

Same with Jennifer Aniston, who went from girl-next-door sexy with Brad to amping up the black leather and studs, discovering her dark side with new husband Justin Theroux.

Model Gigi Hadid 's style has taken a new edge since she began dating bad boy Zayn Malik.

Model Gigi Hadid 's style has taken a new edge since she began dating bad boy Zayn Malik. Photo: Stefanie Keenan/ Getty Images

Do you change your style to suit your company? A lot of celebrities seem to. When They-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named (OK, Kim and Kanye if I must mention them), first met, Kanye famously reworked his girlfriend's wardrobe. He got her out of the bandage dresses and into first class couture, trying to point her to the more fashionable end of the market.


A photo posted by Gigi Hadid (@gigihadid)on Mar 20, 2016 at 9:10am PDT

In a 2012 episode of Keeping Up with the Kardashians , he brings his personal stylist, Renelou Padora, over to Kim's, purely to cull her wardrobe.

"When we first started dating, he went through my closet, he put everything he thought wasn't cool enough in a pile," Kim said in an interview in 2015. She said she "started crying" when she saw the pile, which she said was as tall as "the ceiling".

Dramatic, no? My husband can barely tell me which outfit looks best if I'm trying to decide between the red or the black dress. He just knows his standard, "you look great in everything, I can't tell which is better," is probably the safest response and that's what he sticks with. Today I'm wearing a pair of gold platform brogues that he actually laughed at on first glance, but he chooses to love them just because they're on me.

Changing your look for your partner is an outdated notion. Most women I know dress for themselves. Whether that means wearing 11-centimetre heels to the office with a leather skirt and designer blouse, or whether it means sticking to your black denim skinny jeans wardrobe every single day, it's yourself that you're answering to. So why do celebrities still do it?

One thing about getting older is that you get more comfortable in your own style, and you discover that getting dressed needn't be such a team effort. All those phone calls and text messages to girlfriends about what to wear are abandoned, and in their place comes the calm realisation that ... you've got this. You know what you're doing.

You can get dressed comfortably and within your own set of fashion rules, without being inappropriate (because who cares) or second guessing every style choice just in case he doesn't like it. Because nobody wants to be dictated to by the other halves in our lives when it comes to fashion. That would just be k-razy. And we'll leave that to certain celebrities.