Kathie Lee & Hoda: Meet Pope Francis, the newest Instagram celebrity

Instagram just got a whole lot holier.

Pope Francis
Pope Francis' first Instagram post.

The Pope joined the ’gram and his first post was as adorable as he is. It’s a photo of him, head bent in prayer, with the caption “Pray for Me” in nine different languages. His Holiness @Franciscus has posted eight times, has 1.9 million followers and isn’t following anyone on Insta just yet.

HK : I think it’s awesome.

KLG : He’s cute.

HK : Adorable. Come on, who wouldn’t love this? He’s going to reach a gazillion more kids. I think it’s genius.

KLG : I can’t wait till he puts on a thong for Memorial Day weekend. Off to Saint-Tropez! Pray for me. I’m kidding, kidding, he’s wonderful.

HK : Of all the things he’s ever said, for some reason that sign of humility is one of my favorites. Something about it, that all of a sudden you look at him and you just nod your head and know he’s something special. He’s said beautiful things, but I always remember his “pray for me” the most. He’s said it before Instagram, too.

Karen Swensen, an anchor with WWLTV in New Orleans, came to Hoda Twitter
Karen Swensen, an anchor with WWLTV in New Orleans, came to Hoda's defense.

KLG : He walked out after becoming Pope and said that right?

HK : Yeah. It’s almost like you have the power to help him. He gave that power to the people. It’s really quite beautiful.

KLG : And he helped them realize that by God’s grace, they have that power. It’s called humility and we see very little of it in the world today. That’s why when we do see it, we’re floored by it. Wait, what is that? He knows he’s not divine. He knows he’s human and he needs help from the same God everybody else is praying for. He lives his faith. He lives it.


After some Tulane students launched an online petition demanding Hoda Kotb be replaced as their commencement speaker, the Internet exploded with Kotb friends and supporters tweeting and posting that #BetterDoesntExist.