
DNews Psychology Videos
Jun 14, 2013
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Spanking Kids Makes Them Lawbreakers
Spanking misbehaving kids is a topic debated by parents everywhere.

Spanking misbehaving kids is a topic debated by parents everywhere. And now, with the release of a new study, there appears to be solid, scientific evidence against the practice. Anthony explains what the researchers behind the study uncovered.

What Kind of Bored Are You?

Whatever we do in life, we're bound to be bored at some point, but what kind of bored are we? That's right: There are multiple types of boredom. Laci explains what they are and why boredom has suddenly become less, well, boring.

Why Psychopaths Turn Women On

It's a disturbing story you've heard over and over: random women falling head over heels in love with dangerous murderers locked up in jail. Guest host Cristen Conger explains the origins of this bizarre infatuation.

Video Games Aren't Actually Bad for Kids

Good news, gamers! A decade-long, landmark study on the impact of video games on kids has been released, and you're safe! Anthony is joined by Rev3 Game's Tara Long to provide details on the report.

Confronting Pain Makes It Hurt Less

When it comes to pain, just get it over with! Not only will it be over more quickly, but it'll actually hurt you less! Guest host Annie Gaus explains why confronting your pain head-on is the way to go.

Why We Enjoy Seeing People Fail

It's called schadenfreude, and it's that feeling of pleasure at another person's misfortune. Sounds kind of sadistic, but there's actually some pretty solid science behind this unbecoming behavior. Trace explains.

Even Non-Believers Get Angry at God

During troubling times, many people become angry at God. But surprisingly, it's not just the religious who are angry at the man upstairs. Laci explains the science behind this behavior.

Attractive Friends Make You Hotter

Ever notice how having a group of attractive people in one place makes everyone in the area more attractive? Anthony explains how this so-called "cheerleader effect" works.

Emotional Baby: When a Child Begins to Feel

By now you've probably seen the video of the baby being brought to tears by the beauty of his mother's singing voice. But are young babies really that emotionally mature? Anthony tells us at what point children develop such sophisticated emotions.

Why Girls Are So Mean

As any high school student knows, girls can be really mean, almost animalistic in their viciousness. When researchers went in search of what's behind this behavior, they turned to the animal kingdom for answers.

Why We Care More When Bad People Suffer

When it comes to empathy, we've got more for people we don't like than for people we do. Sound crazy? Well, as Anthony tells us, researchers have the science to back it up.

Why Our Brains Love Curved Buildings

Some of the coolest, most interesting building out there garner so much attention not for their height but for their wild curves and odd shapes. Trace explains why we're so drawn to this type of architecture.

Are We Close to Reading Minds?

Technology has opened up incredible doors for us. And now it's opening up a door into the human mind. Anthony Carboni reports on a new device that can read what's going on inside the human brain!

Why You Need a Good Cry

There's nothing quite like a good cry. It's a universal human activity that, according to new research, can do all kinds of beneficial things to the body and mind. Laci Green is joined by Brain Stuff's Ben Bowlin to tell you all about it.

Imaginary Friends Make You Awesome

New research shows that kids who grow up with an imaginary friend are able to tackle life as an adult so much better than kids who don't. Laci and Anthony explain why.

Should Guys Freak Out About Their Penis Size?

No surprise: Guys worry about penis size. Even dudes who are perfectly normal down there are self-conscious. But as Laci tells us, men have a complicated relationship with their penis and explains why they just need to chill out.

Can You Spot a Fake Smile?

The difference in the meaning of a genuine smile and a fake smile is vast. Trace tells us what to look for when we think someone might just be putting on a show.

When Do We Pick Up on Sarcasm?

Sarcasm is one of those forms of humor you either appreciate or you're just bugged by. And as children develop their language and social skills, a lot can be gleaned from their ability to recognize sarcasm. Anthony has more.

How We Manipulate Time to Avoid Blame

It turns out we warp time when we take the blame for something bad. Sounds kinda crazy, we know. But, as Anthony will show you, it's backed up by some pretty interesting science!

How Sleep Can Cure Phobias

A good night's sleep might do more for you than just clear your head: It might help you be a stronger, less fearful person! Guest host Annie Gaus explains how the process works.

Does Being Messy Make You More Creative?

Is messiness a sign of disorganization or creative genius? Admitted clutter-creator Anthony explains new research that shows a link between disorder and creativity.

How to Erase Bad Memories

Ever wanted to completely forget a bad memory? Anthony reports on the discovery of a gene that could aid in memory extinction and bring to life a real Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Why Your Parents Hate Your Boyfriend

It turns out there is a scientific reason for why your parents don't like the guy or girl you bring home. Anthony explains.

Should You Feel Better Buying Organic?

People LOVE buying organic. For some, it's about personal health; for others, it's about knowing their food was ethically raised. But what are you really getting when you buy something with that 'organic' label? Trace finds out.

Why the Lottery Is So Seductive

We've all dreamed of hitting the lotto -- going from broke to livin' large in a minute's time! But, of course, the chances of that happening are really small. How small? Laci looks at the odds.

Why Everyone's Angry on the Internet

Go pretty much anywhere on the Internet, and you you're likely to find a whole bunch of angry people -- making comments about articles and videos, and blowing up Twitter. Anthony explains why anger is so prevalent online.

How Playing GTA5 Affects Your Brain

There's a lot out there about the impact of violent video games, but it turns out most of it isn't true. Games like "Grand Theft Auto" do change the way the brain works, but it's quite possibly for the better! Anthony explains.

Trypophobia: Why Holes Are SO Scary

Fear of spiders -- understandable. Being eaten by a shark? Sure. But holes? It's called trypophobia, and, as Trace tells us, for many people the fear is real and it is strong.

Why It's So Easy to Ignore Your Girlfriend

Have you ever been accused of unintentionally ignoring your boyfriend or girlfriend? Well, don't take the blame: It's science's fault! Anthony explains.

Haters Gonna Hate

Some people are just that pessimistic, unhappy type of person determined to dog on... pretty much anything. Laci explains the science of why haters are just gonna hate.

Why Do People Cut Themselves?

Depression is a terrible psychological condition. Some reports claim nearly one in 12 teenagers harm themselves. Laci tries to find out why.

Can Money Really Buy Happiness?

"Can't Buy Me Love," but what about happiness? Is there an ideal amount of money that a person can earn to live a perfectly satisfying life? Turns out, yes. Anthony shows us what a satisfying life really costs all over the world including the U.S.

The Schizophrenia Switch Is Found

Schizophrenia is one of the most complex and least understood of all psychological disorders. But now scientists have found a switch of sorts that could change everything.

Do School Uniforms Help Students Learn?

Parents, students, and school officials have been fighting for and against school uniforms for years now. As the 2013 school year begins, Anthony seeks an answer once and for all: Do school uniforms really help students learn?

Do We Have Left- or Right-Brain Personalities?

Is it true that some people are more right-brained or left-brained? Certainly some people are more creative, while others are more logic-oriented. But is this really a result of one side of the brain being more dominant than the other?

Harnessing the Power of the Mind Is Not a Secret

We all know the mind is capable of great things. We may not be able to bend a spoon with just our brain, but new research is showing that it may be capable of more than we think.

True Generosity is a Lie!

Think you're an especially generous person? You're not! You're as selfish as everyone else -- according to new research, anyway. Anthony explains the subconscious motivations behind why we give.

How Collaboration Leads to Great Ideas

Most of humanity's great inventions and ideas were born from not just one mind, but from group thinking. Trace shows some of the most important creations made this way and tells us about the U.S. Air Force's Collaboratory.

Is Your Fear a Real Phobia?

People toss around the word phobia a lot ... but what separates a fear from a legitimate phobia? Trace expounds on some of the weirdest and most common fears and phobias.

Why We Blame Everything on Aliens

Why, when something weird or unexplained happens, do we immediately blame aliens?! Crop circles, missing persons, even animal mutilations -- ET's been blamed for 'em all! Trace explores why we're so quick to hop on the "aliens did it" bandwagon.

How to Control Your Dreams

Lucid dreaming is a dream where you're in control. Want to win the lottery, or fly faster than Superman? Done and done! Anthony is a lucid dreamer himself. In this video, he explains how it works and offers tips on how to do it yourself.

Explaining the Empathy Switch in Psychopaths

Are psychopaths' brains hardwired to be emotionless? SourceFed's Lee Newton joins Anthony to talk about a new study that shows how they might have the ability to feel empathy after all.

Do Rich People Cheat More?

Turns out money DOES change a person -- and not for the better. Looking at the results of a new study, Laci explains just how awful people can be when they've got cash-filled pockets.

Blame the Full Moon for Poor Sleep

Is the full moon to blame for your sleepless nights? Sourcefed host Lee Newton joins Anthony to find out.

Does Stress Make Us Crave Bad Food?

It's a common belief that when we're feeling down or stressed, we reach for comfort (or some might say junk) foods to help us feel better. But does stress really make us crave the bad stuff? Laci takes a look.

Is Sex Addiction Really a Disease?

Can sex addiction really be placed into the same category as drug and alcohol addiction? Is it really a debilitating disease, or are these people just really into sex? Laci Green explains the conundrum facing psychologists.

Why We Like Sad Songs

If we listen to music for enjoyment, why do we like sad songs? Trace looks at how even the darkest of songs can give our spirits a lift.

How to Slow Down Time

Does time really fly when you're having fun or is that just another senseless saying? Well, it turns out there's actual science behind the idea! Laci shows us how our perception of time changes ... and how to slow it down.

Why We Pierce Ourselves

For centuries, humans have been modifying their bodies in all kinds of ways, particularly piercing. Trace looks at why we have such a long history of augmenting our bodies with piercings and other types of jewelry.

Ladies! Cut The Fat Talk!

It's called "fat talk." You've probably heard it before, when women talk negatively about their bodies. It turns out this talk has a pretty significant impact. Laci tells all the ladies out there why they should cut out the fat talk.

Subliminal Ads Invade Your Sleep

No joke: There's a new plan to beam ads directly into the heads of unsuspecting train passengers! Anthony shows us this plan and sheds some light on whether or not subliminal advertising really works.

Self Conscious in High School? Here's Why

Why are teens the most intensely self-conscious group out there? Turns out there's an actual biological reason in the brain for this behavior! Laci shows us what's going on in teens' heads during those wild years.

Why We Spend Money on Stuff We Don't Need

There's a reason you just HAD to buy that new tech gadget you didn't really need. Anthony shows us the science behind buying the stuff we love.

Why We Worship Celebrities

Celebrities are worshiped worldwide -- chased by paparazzi, websites, and TV shows. Magazines are dedicated to following their every move. But Laci wonders: What's the fascination? The reason, it turns out, is more complex than you might think.

The Sexy Science of Summer Lovin'

Summer love. Is that really a thing, or just a nice thought? With the help of technology, Laci looks at at the myth you're more likely to begin a new relationship under the hot summer sun.

Why Do We Blush?

You just wiped out in front of a big crush. Your face goes bright red. You can't fight it. Why do we blush like this? Trace takes a look at how our bodies visually process our emotions.

What Heroes and Psychopaths Have in Common

Heroes and psychopaths -- two groups of people that should have nothing in common. But, as Laci shows us, they have more in common than you'd imagine.

Why Do People Commit Suicide?

Global suicide rates are rising. In order to understand what's going on, and how best to prevent this trend from continuing, Laci examines the underlying factors that lead people to take their own lives.

Introverts and Extroverts Have Different Brains

Everyone's personality is different. Some like constant interaction. Others prefer a more solitary existence. It turns out this behavior goes beyond personality and is actually the result of physiological differences in the brain. Laci investigates.

Why We're So Creeped Out By Staring

Few things are as creepy as turning around to find someone staring at you. As Trace tells us: That creepy feeling is actually hardwired into our brains!

Can Science Be a Religion?

Religion is a touchy topic within the scientific community. Science, meanwhile, can be just as sensitive a topic within some religious communities. Are there times when the two overlap, when fervent belief in science functions much like devout fa ...

Why Lie Detectors are BS

Lie detectors are a pretty cool-sounding idea. But how valid are the results they produce? Should they be used more often, or sent to the junkyard? Laci looks for an honest, scientific answer.

Inside the Mind of a Sociopath

Sociopaths aren't just movie characters and mass murders. Turns out 1 in 25 people suffer from this disorder! Laci looks at what exactly it means to be a sociopath, and whether or not you have anything to fear for yourself.

Are Millennials More Narcissistic?

Are we a generation of narcissists? New research suggests we are, and these egoistic tendencies are only increasing. But what's causing this uptick in "me me me" thinking? In this DNews video, Laci takes a look. ...

What Turns People Into Hoarders?

We've seen it on TV for years, but only now is hoarding being recognized as a real disorder. Anthony looks at what this could mean for the estimated 15 million (!) hoarders across the United States.

Why Companies Make Annoying Ads

Some advertisements are great, and others... well they can be downright annoying! Laci looks at the shocking prevalence of advertising in our daily lives and how obnoxious ads can actually be a boon for a company.

Scientists Measure Fear of Missing Out

Feeling like you're missing out on something, like everyone else is doing something cooler than you, is a very real thing. It's called FOMO, and now there's a test to measure just how bad you may have it.

Why New Music Feels Amazing

Ever heard a song for the first time and fallen in love? As Trace tells us, there's a biological reason for why new music feels so good.

Apologies Don't Make You Feel Better

Whoever said you'll feel better once you apologize had it all wrong! Anthony looks at how keeping your mouth shut after doing bad can be a boon to your well-being.

Why We Hate Our Own Voice

Ever heard a recording of yourself and hated the way you sound? It's a common thing, and has to do with sound vibration ... or the lack thereof. Trace describes what we actually sound like when we speak, plus why we may be drawn to the sounds of ...

Why Human Replicas Freak Us Out

Computer-generated characters are more realistic than ever, and Activision is pushing boundaries further than you'll believe. But when is realistic too realistic? Will this leap into the so-called 'uncanny valley' make future video games and even ...

Are Memories Reliable?

Our memories are who we are -- they make up our personalities and our history. But can they be trusted? Laci looks at how our own memory works and how it's failing us every day of our lives.

Are We All Crazy?

What is normal? And, for that matter, what is abnormal? Psychologists have been trying to categorize human behavior for nearly two centuries. Anthony takes a look at what it takes to be diagnosed with a personality disorder and wonders: Are we al ...

Why Phone Echo Drives You Crazy

That echo you get talking on a cell phone does more than drive you nuts. It can actually stop your brain from forming words. In this DNews video, Anthony tells us what happens inside your head to make this irritating phenomenon happen.

Why Fear is Fun

Why do we love watching horror films? Why do we like being scared? Laci explains the psychology behind the "fear is fun" mentality.

Why Everyone's So Mad At Beyonce

The internet is in a fury over Beyonce's alleged lip syncing at Obama's inauguration. Trace explains how the psychology of the superfan contributes to the betrayal.

Why We're Obsessed With Zombies

Why are we so taken with zombies? They're everywhere these days! Anthony takes a look at the more salient theories out there.

Te'o Hoax: Fake Girlfriends More Common Than You Think

Manti Te'o's dead girlfriend was a hoax. She was made up, which is more common than you think. Laci Green looks at the trend of making up fake people, and its psychological roots.

Is Your Face Racist?

Researchers in Delaware claim to have found markers for a biological predisposition to being racist. It's a controversial, if not intriguing claim. Anthony takes a look a look at their report.

Science Predicts Future Murders

The mind of a violent person is a dark place ... literally. For the first time, researchers have spotted a physical distinction in the brain of a violent criminal. And as Anthony tells us, the implications are potentially very far-reaching.

Why We FAIL at New Year's Resolutions

Laci Green breaks down why we have such a hard time sticking to New Years resolutions and the best way to make this year's resolutions count.

Why Teens Get Bieber Fever

First came Beatlemania, and today it's Bieber Fever. Laci Green explores what it is about young pop stars that sends teenage girls' hearts aflutter.

Love Stinks: The Smell of Attraction

There's a reason you're attracted to certain scents and it has to do with your own natural smell. Pheromone parties are predicated on this very logic, designed to help you smell out a mate. Join Anthony as he takes a big whiff.

Am I A Sex Addict?!

There's a big debate going on in the world of psychology over whether or not sexual addiction is a disorder. Is sex addiction real and how do we define it? Laci Green shares with us some of her concerns.

Men and Women Ain't So Different

Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus ... or are they? Couldn't we all just be from Earth? Finally science has produced evidence that supports what we already knew -- the whole "men are from Mars, women are from Venus" trope is false. Watch Lac ...

How First Impressions Work

We're starting our second week here at DNews, and that made Anthony wonder about what goes into first impressions. What drives gut reactions and snap judgements? He came up with some interesting info. Check it out!

The Dark Side of Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day can put a lot of pressure on relationships. But, as Anthony reports, some good can still come out of this Hallmark holiday.

Inside the Brains of Internet Trolls

Internet Trolls -- we've all seen 'em throwing around insults and taking over message boards. But what drives these people? Trace goes troll hunting and finds out.

Are You the Greatest of All Time? Probably Not.

"I'm not like the others; I'm awesome." We all think it. But is it true? Trace lets us know whether we're kidding ourselves, and why that might be a good thing.

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