Democratic debate: The best lines from Clinton and Sanders

Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders squared off in Brooklyn during another debate on Thursday.

Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders face off during Thursday LUCAS JACKSON/REUTERS
Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders face off during Thursday's Democratic debate.

In his opening line, the Vermont senator took a quick jab at the former secretary of funding and donations, pointing out that his average campaign contribution is $27.

Sanders : not being dependent on Wall Street, or big money, that is the future of the Democratic Party that I want to see.

He then moved on to responding to his "unqualified" criticism against Hillary Clinton.

Sanders : "Does Secretary Clinton have the intelligence to be president? Of course she does. But I question her judgement."

Her response:

"I've been called a lot of things in my life. That was a first."

Clinton heavily referenced the Daily News' transcript during the editorial board meeting with Bernie Sanders.

Hillary: But if you go and read, which I hope all of you will before Tuesday, Senator Sanders' long interview with the New York Daily News, talk about judgment and talk about the kinds of problems he had answering questions about even his core issue, breaking up the banks.

When asked, he could not explain how.