Ted Cruz attempts to laugh off his ‘New York values’ comment on 'Fallon,' but won’t back down from it

Ted Cruz publicly professed his love for New York City — in a bad comedy sketch.

New York Values, Fallon-Cruz style. NBC
New York Values, Fallon-Cruz style.

Attempting to prove he has a sense of humor, the GOP presidential second-runner appeared on “The Tonight Show” Thursday — where Jimmy Fallon, acting as Donald Trump, ribbed him for his “New York values”slam.

Fallon, playing the bloviating billionaire, asked Cruz about his infamous slap in the face of Gotham.

“I’m not going to pander to New York,” Cruz said in the sketch.

“I love New York City. It is the greatest city in the world. When I said New York values, I was merely trying to say I value New York. But I was saying it backwards, the way Yoda would say it.”

Gut-busting stuff, Ted.

Appearing later for one of Fallon's signature softball interviews, the "Tonight" host slipped in one tough question about the upcoming New York primary: "So New York's not gonna happen?"

Polls show Trump is all but certain to crush Cruz in the Tuesday vote.

Cruz conceded that Trump has the home state advantage, but said he still plans to take on the billionaire businessman at the Republican National Convention in July.

Asked if he would support Trump as a nominee, Cruz told Fallon: "I am working very, very hard to not have to answer that question."

All fluff aside, Cruz made his stance on "New York values" abundantly clear earlier Thursday, during the New York Republican Gala.

“Good Day New York” hosts Rosanna Scotto and Greg Kelly asked the Texas senator if he regretted his controversial comment.

Cruz responded,“Not remotely.”