Why modern men aren’t (quite) neanderthals

Why modern men aren’t (quite) neanderthals

London - They may sometimes be bad-mannered and lack a touch of sophistication.

Why modern men aren’t (quite) neanderthals

Credit: Reuters

In a study found shows the Y chromosome, which is passed down the male line, to be different to any found in modern man.

But modern men may not be the Neanderthals they occasionally seem to be, scientists have shown.

According to research, the Y chromosome - which contains the genes that make men male - was not inherited from our ancient cousins. This means modern men cannot blame their inner-caveman for any bad behaviour.

In the first study of its kind, scientists analysed the Y chromosome from a Neanderthal male from 49 000 years ago whose remains had been found in a Spanish cave. This showed the Y chromosome, which is passed down the male line, to be different to any found in modern man.

Researcher Professor Carlos Bustamante, of Stanford University in California, said: “We haven’t observed the Neanderthal Y chromosome DNA in any human ever tested. This doesn’t prove it’s totally extinct but it probably is.”

The two groups are believed to have lived alongside each other and interbred 50 000 years ago, and modern humans do carry other pieces of Neanderthal DNA.

It is possible that the Neanderthal Y chromosome was incompatible with human DNA. This would have led to part-human, part-Neanderthal baby boys having a higher chance of miscarriage if they had the Neanderthal Y chromosome, and it gradually disappearing, the American Journal of Human Genetics reports.

But while we may not carry the Neanderthal Y chromosome, previous research shows that up to four percent of the DNA in modern humans comes from our caveman cousins. Researcher John Capra, of Vanderbilt University in the US, explained: “Our ancestors interbred with Neanderthals and there is still a remnant of that interbreeding in many modern humans living today.”

Daily Mail

EXCLUSIVE: NYCHA fires elevator division chief, others face disciplinary charges

EXCLUSIVE: NYCHA fires elevator division chief, others face disciplinary charges

The New York Housing Authority has fired the head of its elevator division after faulty lifts killed one tenant and badly injured another in separate Bronx developments.

Tenant Olegario Pabon died after he got caught on Christmas Eve in a lurching lift at the Boston Road Houses, while tenant Jamal Brown broke his leg Dec. 2 when elevator doors closed on him in the Morris Houses.

NYCHA will announce Friday that Ken Buny, who leads its elevator division, was relieved of his duties and replaced.

The agency also reassigned five other workers who failed to communicate warnings about the deadly Boston Road lift. Each of the five faces disciplinary charges that could result in firing.

Buny was an expert on a city technical committee that drafted code revisions requiring more aggressive elevator inspections. The city Department of Investigation last month discovered he never implemented those changes at NYCHA.

Olegario Pabon, 81, died after he got caught on Christmas Eve in a faulty elevator at the Boston Road Houses.  Michael Schwartz/for New York Daily News
Olegario Pabon, 81, died after he got caught on Christmas Eve in a faulty elevator at the Boston Road Houses.

City probers also discovered a communication breakdown, starting with a Housing Authority secretary who went home without passing on a warning about the lift 90 minutes before Pabon entered it. Hours after Pabon’s gruesome accident, a NYCHA assistant superintendent showed up at the building and found the lift out of service and an EMT onsite. He didn’t notify his supervisors.

A caretaker who was with him also stayed silent, telling probers, “I was not paying it no mind. I was just looking to go home.” And a NYCHA operator who took the initial call failed to provide details of the complaint when she contacted elevator mechanics, stating only, “Elevator out of order.”

The next day, when an elevator mechanic informed his foreman he’d been told that somebody was badly hurt in the elevator, the foreman said, “We don’t know about anybody” and didn’t look into it, the Department of Investigation found.

NYCHA has begun seeking to punish these employees, but rejected the Department of Investigation’s recommendation to discipline four others.

Police increases security of Kanhaiya, Umar Khalid after threat letter, pistol found on bus

Police increases security of Kanhaiya, Umar Khalid after threat letter, pistol found on bus

Kanhaiya Kumar addressing rally (PTI)
Delhi Police have questioned several persons and trying to ascertain identity of the bag's owner.

A country-made pistol and a threat letter against JNUSU President Kanhaiya Kumar, purportedly written by a man who had earlier threatened the student leader over Facebook, were recovered from a bus operating between an ISBT and JNU campus following which Delhi Police is mulling enhancing his security.

The weapon was recovered in a bus operating between Kashmere Gate ISBT and the JNU campus, after the driver spotted an unclaimed bag and raised an alarm.

Police is trying to ascertain identity of the bag's owner and several persons have been questioned, a senior official said today.

ALSO READ JNUSU leader Kanhaiya Kumar attacked with shoes during Nagpur rally

With the gun, there was also a letter which said that Kanhaiya and Umar Khalid, who were arrested under sedition charge over a controversial event in JNU campus, will be decapitated.

The letter was purportedly written by the person who had threatened Kumar over Facebook earlier saying that men with weapons are already present inside the campus, ready to kill him any moment, the official said.

ALSO READ Nagpur: Bajrang Dal workers attack Kanhaiya Kumar's car, 5 detained

Kumar doesn't get security cover inside the campus but the university authorities have clearly been instructed to inform Vasant Kunj (North) police station everytime he leaves the campus and security is provided accordingly.

After the alert, the police are likely to increase his security cover and also enhance vigil around the JNU area, the official added.

Arctic Surfers Ride Waves Amid Icebergs

Arctic Surfers Ride Waves Amid Icebergs

Igor Bellido via Vimeo
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DIY Winter Adventure: 7 Sports You Didn't Know You Could Play in the Snow

Photo: Christopher J. Morris/Corbis

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Surfing near hundreds of icebergs and against snowy mountain backdrops is all just a day at the beach in Iceland.

With water temperatures hovering around 45 degrees Fahrenheit in the spring, the surfers who take the plunge must have ice water in their veins.

Surfers have been pursuing waves in Iceland for years, but incredibly scenic videos from action sports photographer and filmmaker Igor Bellidoare shining a new light on their adventures. Last year he tagged along with three energetic surfers as they played in the cold water, including a night ride on a glowing surfboard (see below).

Recently Bellido returned to Iceland, having spent a good stretch filmingin warmer places like Portugal and the Maldives. This time he followed surfers Adrian Fernandez de Valderrama, Artiza Saratxaga, and Lucia Martiño as they managed to catch waves among hundreds of glaciers. Bellido called it an expedition to “one of the coldest places in the world.”

His video had support from Arctic Surfers, a local company that organizes adventure travel including intermediate to expert level surfing trips around the island. The best surfing is in the fall and spring, according to the company. From May through June, water temperatures peak at about 48 degrees Fahrenheit.

Arctic Surfers uses Gul Vortex 6/5/4mm Hooded Steamer wetsuits that are known for being warm. They also have booties and gloves for clients, but point out thatat the height of the fall and summer seasons, locals wear lighter wetsuits without hoods — or gloves. Brrr.

Granted, the waves caught on video don’t strike me as being particularly huge, but the wintry surroundings and floating ice likely add to the chilly challenge. Check it out here:

When I think about Iceland, the first thought that comes to mind — after Björk — is Arnaldur Indridason’s mystery novel series set in Reykjavik. They’re full of darkness, tongue-twisting names, stomach-churning food, and deadly landscapes that swallow characters whole.

This is a country where emergency-response volunteershave a nearly mythical reputation. While Bellido’s videos don’t downplay the country’s extreme natural features, he does make them seem accessible to adventure-minded travelers. And surfers seem more than ready to dive in.

Fearless Divers Set Record Below Ice

Fearless Divers Set Record Below Ice

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The sixth year of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series stops in the United States this weekend at a new site: Divers will launch from a platform on the precipice of Hell's Gate (above) in Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas.

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Unbelievable Cliff Dives: Photos

The sixth year of the Red Bull Cliff Diving World Series stops in the United States this weekend at a new site: Divers will launch from a platform on the precipice of Hell's Gate (above) in Possum Kingdom Lake, Texas. Men will dive from 27 meters, or the height of an eight-story building, and women will jump from 20 meters. At the first stop of the series in Cuba, participants performed five new dives. The World's 8 Most Grueling Endurance Events

Peggy Gibson

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Orlando Duque, who once scored a perfect 10 on a cliff dive, won the first world series in 2009. The format for the competition includes four dives: two simple and two more difficult. The dive pictured here is a simple dive. Like all cliff dives, he'll enter the water feet-first. "Once you get above 20 meters, you can feel the impact get greater and greater with every meter," said American competitor David Colturi. Some have compared the landing to hitting concrete. "If you hit concrete, you wouldn't go through it, but it's just like a really hard force on all your muscles. If you're off line at all, it feels like someone smacked you with a 2 by 4." Entering feet-first is an adjustment for the divers, the mast majority of whom learned how to competed in pools. Duque, of Colombia, is probably the best at entering the water, said Red Bull Cliff Diving’s Sports Director Niki Stajkovic. "He's kind of like a magician when he goes in the water."  7 Awesome Hurricane Surfing Videos

Romina Amato/Red Bull Content Pool

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This series of frames shows Gary Hunt of the U.K., who won the World Series three years in a row, completing a front double somersault with a half twist in the pike position.  
"There are obviously top dogs, but there are a lot of new guys now and you never know who's going to come up next year," Colturi said. "We don't score country points; it's totally individual, so we're all very friendly and coaching and helping each other." NEWS: Is The Tough Mudder Too Dangerous?

Red Bull Content Pool

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This is Russian Artem Silchenko's signature dive, a flying inward somersault pike. 

Although he's the only one to do this dive, he doesn't get to practice it that often. The divers usually train in pools from 10-meter platforms. A dream facility, Colturi said, would have boards of varying heights between 1 and 28 meters. But even if a training facility had a 28-meter platform, the body could only handle a limited number of jumps. BLOG: World Trade Center Secret BASE Jumpers Confess

Dean Treml/Red Bull Content Pool

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Duque is starting a flying reverse somersault tuck in this photo. 

Scoring in cliff diving uses the same criteria as Olympic diving. 
"We've created a pool of judges, most of whom have had high-diving backgrounds,' Stajkovic said, including legend Greg Louganis in the Texas competition.

 As the dives progress, scores rise. The degree of difficulty has risen from 5.4 in the first year to 6.4 now -- that can be a 25-point difference in a dive. 

"The required dives haven't changed much," Stajkovic said. "The big difference is the optional dives, where a lot of the competition is won or lost."

Romina Amato/Red Bull Content Pool

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"This was my last and winning dive," Colturi said. "It's a reverse twister. It's currently my favorite dive. I didn't learn it until I had finished normal diving, and I haven't been doing it that long. When you're doing a reverse you're standing forward and flipping backward, and then you're flipping and twisting at the same time. You can see all the boats in the picture. That atmosphere was just incredible, with 20,000 Italians watching. There was so much energy and it was such a beautiful day." The whole dive involves a reverse double somersault and four twists.  VIDEO: Extreme Sports Risk-Taking Explained

Red Bull Content Pool

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This marks the first year women are competing in the event. Anna Bader of Germany, pictured here, won last year's only female competition in Italy. Three Americans are hoping to challenge her, including Ginger Huber, who scored the highest on a single dive in Italy last year. VIDEO: Using Science to Surf Better

Red Bull Content Pool

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Blake Aldridge, from the U.K, won the first stop of this year's series in Havana. "That's his flying gainor flip," Colturi said. "He's laying out a big reverse flip. He did it well -- he was consistent there, never getting below about 8.5." PHOTOS: When Felix Jumped, the World Jumped With Him

Red Bull Content Pool

A pair of Russian divers reached a record depth underneath ice just outside the Arctic Circle on Saturday. The frigid temperatures and intense pressure made for extreme conditions.

Maxim Astakhov and Alexander Gubin are professional scuba divers who work for the Russian Geographical Society. Their dive over the weekend was both a record-breaking attempt, and an opportunity to truly put new diving equipment to the test, Russia Today reported.

The duo, saddled with multiple air tanks, reached 102 meters — about 335 feet — under the icy surface of the White Sea just outside the Arctic Circle. The record was confirmed by Bojana Ostojic, a logistics expert who was a longtime member of Jacques Cousteau’s team as well as a member of the Russian Geographical Society and a World Underwater Federation associate.

“At a depth of 100 meters my gloves tightened so much it felt like I was going to see my nails,” diver Alexander Gubin told Russia Today. “My hands felt terribly cold.” No surprise there. The salt keeps that water liquid even though its temperature is actually below freezing, the Guardian pointed out.

RT via Youtube

While other divers have gone deeper in Antarctica, this 80-minute dive was the deepest one under a hole in ice, according to UPI. Going after cold water records is nothing new for the Russian Geographical Society. In early 2013, their team reached the bottom of Labynkyr Lake in Siberia, one of the coldest lakes on the planet. And last summer their divers reached 111 meters(364 feet) in the Arctic.

For context, Astakhov and Gubin went more than twice the normal depth limit of bottlenose dolphins and qualified divers — to a depth greater than the height of Big Ben, the Guardian’s infographic shows. Watch the daring dive here:

Diving through a hole in thick ice makes a terrifying difference since it can contribute to disorientation underwater. Plus, the pressure and temperature can cause equipment to fail, Atlas Obscura’s Jessie Guy-Ryan noted.

Although the Russians appear to be calm in the video amid all the test tanks, things didn’t go exactly as planned. The Guardian reported that, after he emerges, one of the divers says his equipment took a while to start working properly in the extreme conditions. Yikes. But clearly a bit of wonky equipment and mind-numbing cold isn’t going to slow these guys down.

Boston Red Sox place Pablo Sandoval on disabled list with little explanation

Boston Red Sox place Pablo Sandoval on disabled list with little explanation

The Red Sox, unfortunately, were hazy on the details.

The Boston Red Sox have placed Pablo Sandoval on the 15-day disabled list with a strained shoulder. Tony Gutierrez/AP
The Boston Red Sox have placed Pablo Sandoval on the 15-day disabled list with a strained shoulder.

Barely two weeks after benchingtwo-time All Star Pablo Sandoval, the Boston Red Sox have placed the third baseman on the 15-day disabled list with a strained shoulder.

“To give you an exact moment when it took place, I don't have that, to be honest,” manager John Farrell told reporterson Wednesday.

“He's been hitting a lot extra before (batting practice) and during the game in the cage.”

Sandoval himself similarly had few answers to his sudden injury.

“Before yesterday, I didn't feel nothing weird,” he said.

Haha Red Sox playing the mystery injury game with Sandoval to clear his spot. Good stuff.

— Nick Stellini (@StelliniTweets) April 13, 2016

“This morning, I woke up and I couldn't even move my arm. Something happened.”

But there might be a reason for the mystique: Jeff Passan of Yahoo Sports reportedthat Sandoval never even had an MRI to try to diagnose the injury before he was placed on the disabled list.

Sandoval, listed at 5’11” and 255 pounds, hit just .245/.292/.366 in 2015 with 10 home runs and 47 RBI in 126 games. His defense, too, has seen a dropoff since his peak playing days.

The Red Sox still have more than $75 million left on Sandoval’s five-year, $95 million contract signed in the 2014 offseason, but seem inclined to explore options to shave his contract off of their payroll — a trade would be easiest if they can find another team in need of a struggling former slugger.

But baseball fans, still, are reluctant to believe that Panda is actually hurt and Boston isn’t just finding an excuse to refill their 25-man roster with a more productive player.

Tyga about to lose his ride

Tyga about to lose his ride

The 'Rack City' hitmaker reportedly owes Choice Motor Credit $357,350.77 about (R 5168828) for not making payments on his 2013 Lamborghini Aventador and the company now want to take back the luxury sports car, TMZ reports.

Tyga about to lose his ride

Credit: Rich Fury/Invision/AP

Tyga. Photo by Rich Fury/Invision/AP

And this isn't the firm's first dealings with the rapper, as CMC also repossessed his 2014 Bentley Mulsanne in February.

Though the firm sold the car, Tyga still owes over $91,000.

This isn't the first money problem the star has encountered recently.

It was previously revealed he had failed to close on the purchase of his new home three times.

The 'Ayo' hitmaker has been in escrow on a $10 million, eight-bedroom property in the Calabasas home close to where girlfriend Kylie Jenner and various members of her family live, but has reportedly come up with excuses every time the deal has been due to complete.

The 26-year-old star had blamed being on the road or not getting paid for not having the cash to finalise the transaction but the news came just a few weeks after Tyga was reprimanded by a judge for not paying a settlement agreed with one of his dancers.

Allison Brown sued the rapper for sexual battery as she claimed she was plied with alcohol and coerced to remove her top during a shoot on one of his music videos and alleged a man on the set groped one of her breasts.

She and Tyga - who was the target of the action because he was in charge - settled for around $50,000 but he only paid half so a judge then ordered him to pay the outstanding $25,000, plus $16,000 in lawyers fees.

In addition, the rapper has an outstanding tax lien of over $19,000 and owes his landlord $70,000 in back rent.

Bang Showbiz

Kesha to sing at Dylan's 75th birthday fest

Kesha to sing at Dylan's 75th birthday fest

Kesha will sing at 'Dylan Fest: A Celebration of Bob Dylan's 75th Birthday' in what will be her first performance since her claims of sexual abuse against Dr.

Kesha to sing at Dylan's 75th birthday fest

Credit: AP

Pop star Kesha leaves Supreme court in New York on February 19, 2016 Photo: AP/Mary Altaffer

Kesha will sing at 'Dylan Fest: A Celebration of Bob Dylan's 75th Birthday' in what will be her first performance since her claims of sexual abuse against Dr. Luke were dismissed.

The 29-year-old star has been booked for the two-night music extravaganza, which is set to pay tribute to the folk icon's diamond jubilee, on May 23-24 at Nashville's Ryman Auditorium.

The occasion also marks the 50th anniversary of the release of Dylan's first album 'Just Like a Woman'and Kesha will be joined by 30 stars of the country music and folk world, including 'Biscuits' singer Kacey Musgraves.

The star hasn't performed since she filed allegations of unproven serious sexual assault against her former producer and mentor, and recently had her attempts to get out of her Sony contact denied by a judge.

But the 'Tik Tok' hitmaker could be returning to the stage sooner than May as she is rumoured to be performing at the upcoming Coachella festival in Indio, California, which takes place from Friday to April 24.

A source told X17 Online: "Kesha is beginning to realise that she needs to take her career into her own hands, and this is her way of doing just that."

Prior to her court drama, Kesha teased fans that she was working on "weird country" music and was busy making the follow-up to her 2012 album 'Warrior' which was set to include some wacky country tracks.

She said: "I've been working on music for like, months now, obsessing in the studio all night, so I've got a lot of new music but it's been so all over the place. Some of it's like weird country, then I have love songs, so it's all over the place so I'm still kind of compiling my record."

Bang Showbiz

Sydney weather: perfect start to weekend ahead of wet week

Sydney weather: perfect start to weekend ahead of wet week

Sydney is set for a perfect start to the weekend, with sunny skies and above-average temperatures forecast across the city.

Two young surfers take advantage of the perfect autumn weather at Maroubra.

Two young surfers take advantage of the perfect autumn weather at Maroubra. Photo: Dallas Kilponen

But savour the conditions while they last, forecasters say. The clouds are expected to start rolling in during Saturday afternoon, before potentially heavy downpours on Sunday and a showery week ahead.

Weatherzone meteorologist Guy Dixon said a low-pressure trough was approaching Sydney from the west, resulting in pleasant conditions for the start of the weekend.

The rain forecast to hit the Sydney region at 4pm on Sunday.

The rain forecast to hit the Sydney region at 4pm on Sunday. Photo: Bureau of Meteorology

A top of 26 degrees - or 4 degrees above average - and mostly sunny conditions are forecast in the city on Saturday, while Penrith is forecast to hit 29 degrees, which is five degrees above average.


"Generally speaking we get warm air ahead of these [low-pressure] systems, which is what's causing the temperature to be quite pleasant tomorrow," Mr Dixon said.

"However we will also see quite a bit of cloud building ahead of this system. In particular, that cloud looks to build in the afternoon."

He said a southerly change was expected to hit Sydney just before dawn on Sunday, dropping the temperature by several degrees. A top of 23 degrees is forecast in the city and in the west on Sunday.

The Bureau of Meteorology is forecasting up to 35 millimetres of rain to fall on Sunday, however Mr Dixon said it was unclear which areas would bear the brunt of the deluge.

"Most models are picking rainfall and quite heavy rainfall, but it's just a matter of where that rainfall will focus on the coast," he said.

"Generally speaking I would say 10 millimetres is quite a good chance over the CBD. The heaviest falls look to be offshore but that doesn't rule out the chance of getting to 20 to 30-millimetre range at least somewhere in the Sydney basin."

Showers are then forecast each day in Sydney until Thursday next week.

"We're kind of going to be flanked on either side by systems that typically produce rain, so we should see a spell of showery conditions," Mr Dixon said.

Weatherzone is owned by Fairfax Media, publisher of this website .



DNews Asteroids, Meteors & Meteorites Videos
Mar 6, 2013
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KING: The ‘Trump Effect’ is terrifying children across America — including my own 9-year-old son

KING: The ‘Trump Effect’ is terrifying children across America — including my own 9-year-old son

God, I’m disturbed.

A recent survey of school-age children showed that the rise of Donald Trump and his bigotry is terrifying American kids. Eduardo Munoz Alvarez/Getty Images
A recent survey of school-age children showed that the rise of Donald Trump and his bigotry is terrifying American kids.

A recent survey of 2,000 K-12 school teachers nationwide confirmed our worst hunch — the bigoted rise of Donald Trump is terrifying America’s school children.

Here’s a quick excerpt from the introduction on what they call “ The Trump Effect”:

Reporters here at the Daily News, meanwhile, have worked hard to track specific incidents:

All of these accounts are horrible, but the survey conducted by the Southern Poverty Law Center shows that we’re not dealing with a few isolated incidents here or there, but a national trend.

Those figures are staggering.

Even if they only represented the teachers who completed the survey — and weren’t representative of our entire country — we’re talking about thousands of students who have been harmed by the rise in bigotry brought on by the Trump campaign.

Nothing was as heartbreaking and revealing as the comments teachers made. The report states:

All of this has the appearance to have happened suddenly, but that’s a ruse. Indeed, Trump’s rise to the top of the GOP polls is a new phenomenon, but the bigotry isn’t new at all. It was lurking beneath the surface, deeply embedded into the fiber of this nation. Donald Trump, with his consistently bigoted statements, activated America’s bigotry in ways that many of us simply didn’t expect.

Lupica: Obama vs Trump, Cruz is the battle we want to see

Lupica: Obama vs Trump, Cruz is the battle we want to see

We will never see the real campaign of this campaign, the debate you would pay money to watch, which is Barack Obama against Donald Trump or Ted Cruz or both of them at once.

It Pablo Martinez Monsivais/AP
It's unfortunate we'll never get to see Obama battle Trump and Cruz in a presidential campaign.

We will never see the real campaign of this campaign, the debate you would pay money to watch, which is Barack Obama against Donald Trump or Ted Cruz or both of them at once. They aren’t running against Hillary or Bernie. They are running against the President. And in a way, even on his way out the door, he runs against them.

It would be interesting to see Trump or Cruz say the things they constantly say about this President, about how dumb he is, how weak he is, to his face. And then defend their vision of how the country should work, the country that Donald Trump says must be made great again, at the same time the President defends his own.

Really, it would be a pay-per-view event, having opponents of this President and everything he stands for go toe to toe with him and tell him why they know more about how to defeat ISIS than he does, more about health care than he does, and guns, and abortion, and trade, and all the rest of it.

This campaign isn’t about Hillary’s emails, or about Benghazi, or Bill Clinton’s women, or Bernie’s plan to tax everything that moves, or which Democrat is more “qualified” to succeed Obama as President. Hillary, especially, is merely the straw woman here, running for what so many believe would be Barack Obama’s third term.

This is about him against them.

That is the real story of the campaign season of 2016. You wonder if Trump would stand on a stage with the President and call him “Birther Barack,” the way he calls Cruz “Lyin’ Ted” and the way he called Marco Rubio “Little Marco.” It would be something to see, out in the open, the lack of respect the Republicans in this race have for this President, and the contempt he has for them.

Would any of them continue talking tough to Obama JIM YOUNG/REUTERS
Would any of them continue talking tough to Obama's face?

Here is what the President said on Thursday night, at a Democratic Congressional Committee fund-raiser in Santa Monica:

“I recognize that there is a deep obsession right now about Mr. Trump. And one of you pulled me aside and squeezed me hard and said, ‘Tell me that Mr. Trump is not succeeding you.’ And I said, ‘Mr. Trump is not succeeding me.’ ”

“Mr. Trump has actually done a service, as Mr. Cruz is doing a service, and that is laying bare, unvarnished, some of the nonsense that we have been dealing with in Congress on a daily basis. People act as if these folks are outliers, but they are not! We should thank Mr. Trump and Mr. Cruz for just being honest that this is how we’re thinking these days, or not thinking these days. But it gives you a sense of what’s at stake in this election.”

The Republicans have been going at him for months, especially when there were so many of them on the stage, mostly calling him weak, suggesting that they are smarter than him, better, tougher, even Chris Christie, now the toughest cheerleader around. So now the President goes at them.

Australian Swimming Championships: Horton sails past Perkins, Cate Campbell just misses world record in 50m freestyle

Australian Swimming Championships: Horton sails past Perkins, Cate Campbell just misses world record in 50m freestyle

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McEvoy wins freestyle triple crown

Cameron McEvoy adds the 50-metre freestyle to his 100 and 200-metre victories to become the first man to complete the hat-trick in 34 years.

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Mack Horton has leap-frogged Kieran Perkins in the all-time 1500m ranks as he slashed five seconds off his personal best time to close out the Olympic trials in Adelaide.

After posting the best time of the year in the 400m earlier in the meet, Horton has stamped himself as a genuine chance for the men's distance double after touching the wall in 14:39.54, with Brisbane's Jack McLoughlin also qualifying with a 14:48.6.

Winning style: Mack Horton celebrates his win in the 1500 metres.

Winning style: Mack Horton celebrates his win in the 1500 metres. Photo: Getty Images

Now Grant Hackett (14:34.56) is the only Australian to have gone faster than the 19-year-old from Melbourne, with Perkins' best of 14:41.66 lost in the wake of the rapidly improving Horton.


Horton said he felt the burn badly at the 1000m but rose on the back of the crowd as they urged him onwards towards a time that will make him hugely competitive should he reduce it even further in Rio. China's Sun Yang holds the world mark with 14:31.02.

"It was faster than I thought it was going to be," Horton said. "At the 800 it started to hurt a bit; after 1000m it was pretty rough.

So close: Cate Campbell.

So close: Cate Campbell. Photo: Quinn Rooney

"To go 14:48 yesterday morning, I wasn't sure how I was going to go tonight. The last 500 was struggle street. I felt quite good in the last 36 hours, but I really felt it in the back end of that."

Cate Campbell edged her way even closer to one of the supersuit sprint records after another dominant swim in Adelaide.

The Queenslander added the 50m national crown to the 100m she won earlier in the meet and was yet again ahead of the red world record line with about 10m left to swim, only for it to draw clear near the wall.

Campbell reduced her Australian and Commonwealth record to 23.84, the fastest swum in a textile suit and now only 0.11 of a second off the 2009 mark of Germany's Britta Steffen (23.73).

Sister Bronte, the defending world champion in this event, was second in 24.24s and she will join Cate in both women's sprints in Rio.

Campbell said she never set out to chase world records but admitted finally cracking one of the infamous supersuit records would be a remarkable achievement.

"It would be pretty cool," she said. "But I've never got something from going after it. Once I hit the water, I can get it. I almost got it the other night as well. I was a bit closer tonight. But really, really pleased with that swim. I'm thrilled with that."

Campbell has made the 100m her focus, but a return to good health and being free from injury has seen that form over the longer distance translate to better results in the frantic freestyle dash.

"I think it's just consistency," she said. "It's been a bit of a rocky road with injury in the last couple of years. Health and fitness has been a really key point.

"I love them both [50m and 100m]. It's like choosing between your children. You have favourites on different days."

Australia's men's 4 x 100m relay were in the water to set a Rio qualifying time after failing to make the final at the FINA World Championships in Kazan last year.

They did that and then some, with the squad of James Roberts, Kyle Chalmers, James Magnussen and Cam McEvoy clocking 3:12.26, which would have been good enough for a bronze medal at the world titles.

Magnussen and Roberts weren't named in the official Dolphins team on Thursday night but will be added once the May 31 qualification deadline has passed.

Australian Dolphins team: Jessica Ashwood, Bronte Barratt, Joshua Beaver, Georgia Bohl, Bronte Campbell, Cate Campbell, Kyle Chalmers, Tamsin Cook, Alicia Coutts, Brittany Elmslie, Blair Evans, Thomas Fraser-Holmes, Madeline Groves, Jacob Hansford, Belinda Hocking, Mack Horton, Grant Irvine, Mitch Larkin, Travis Mahoney, Cameron McEvoy, David McKeon, Emma McKeon, Taylor McKeown, Keryn McMaster, David Morgan, Leah Neale, Kotuku Ngawati, Jake Packard, Joshua Palmer, Emily Seebohm, Daniel Smith, Brianna Throssell, Madison Wilson, Jack McLoughlin.

Cameron McEvoy headlines powerful Australian swimming team for Rio Olympic Games

Cameron McEvoy headlines powerful Australian swimming team for Rio Olympic Games

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McEvoy wins freestyle triple crown

Cameron McEvoy adds the 50-metre freestyle to his 100 and 200-metre victories to become the first man to complete the hat-trick in 34 years.

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With the swim of his life, Jack McLoughlin was the final name to be added to a powerful Australian swimming team for the Rio Games, which was revealed on Thursday night after a week of trials in Adelaide.

The Queenslander's huge effort to finish second behind Mack Horton in the 1500m made him the 21st rookie on the 34-strong team, which also includes 13 returning swimmers and five that are off to their third Olympic Games.

Fantastic form: Cameron McEvoy celebrates winning the 50-metre freestyle.

Fantastic form: Cameron McEvoy celebrates winning the 50-metre freestyle. Photo: Getty Images

A number of relay swimmers, including James Magnussen, Matt Abood and James Roberts, will be officially added to the team after May 31 when the rankings are finalised by FINA.


They paid the price for missing a top 12 ranking at the world championships in Russia last year but swam a blistering time trial on Thursday night that would have been good enough to earn them a bronze medal.

A number of key nations are yet to have their national trials, including the USA, but the Australians will storm out of their trials ranked in 25 medal positions, including 10 golds, nine silver and six bronze.

It will be headlined by 21-year-old Cameron McEvoy, who could be the first Australian swimmer to win six medals at a single Games after a virtuoso performance at the trials, which saw him take out the 50m-100m-200m treble.

Comeback swimmer Alicia Coutts, who won five medals in the pool in London, is the oldest swimmer at 28 while Kyle Chalmers will be the youngest at just 17. He will swim the 100m alongside McEvoy and the relay.

Head coach Jacco Verhaeren said the trials were hugely pleasing but the swimmers must now not only hold that form but improve for the Games.

"It's here at trials that you really show what your capabilities are and being able to convert that on the bigger stage, that's the goal," Verhaeren said.

"For Cam (McEvoy) his times for starters are phenomenal, particularly the 50 and 100 freestyle, it puts him in a good position. But I think we all know and learnt that positions don't mean anything and for him now and for all of us it's really important to stick to the process."

Dolphins team for Rio Olympic Games Jessica Ashwood, Bronte Barratt, Joshua Beaver, Georgia Bohl, Bronte Campbell, Cate Campbell, Kyle Chalmers, Tamsin Cook, Alicia Coutts, Brittany Elmslie, Blair Evans, Thomas Fraser-Holmes, Madeline Groves, Jacob Hansford, Belinda Hocking, Mack Horton, Grant Irvine, Mitch Larkin, Travis Mahoney, Cameron McEvoy, David McKeon, Emma McKeon, Taylor McKeown, Keryn McMaster, David Morgan, Leah Neale, Kotuku Ngawati, Jake Packard, Joshua Palmer, Emily Seebohm, Daniel Smith, Brianna Throssell, Madison Wilson, Jack McLoughlin. TBC by May 31 James Magnussen, Matt Abood, James Roberts.

GREENE: On anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination, don’t forget the sanitation workers who brought the Civil Rights leader to Memphis

GREENE: On anniversary of Martin Luther King’s assassination, don’t forget the sanitation workers who brought the Civil Rights leader to Memphis


Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rev. Ralph Abernathy, right, lead a march on behalf of striking Memphis sanitation workers March 28, 1968.


It was raining hard in Memphis one day when a pair of sanitation workers sought shelter in an employee lounge.

But because they were black, and it was 1968, they were chased away, settling instead for a dry spot on the back of a smelly garbage truck.

Their names were Echol Cole and Robert Walker. They were killed when a mechanical malfunction caused the truck to crush them along with the waste and the refuge they had been carting all day.

More than 1,300 sanitation workers -- most of them black, and carrying signs that said simply "I AM A MAN -- walked off the job, setting in motion a chain of events that culminated in one of the darkest days in American History, the April 4 assassination of Martin Luther King Jr.

Against the advice of even his closest advisers, King threw his support behind the lowly trash men.

`If I do not stop to help the sanitation workers, what will happen to them?' King said later.

300187 - ONEG Jack Thornell/AP
Violence erupted as the marchers neared the downtown section where a rally in support of striking garbage workers was scheduled.

King dived in with both feet, leading a march just weeks after the workers' deaths. But the march turned violent after a militant youth group was blamed for breaking windows, damaging King's non-violent credibility.

King vowed to lead a peaceful Memphis march, but never got the chance.

"Like anybody, I would like to live a long life-longevity has its place," King told a crowd the night before he was gunned down at the Lorraine Motel.

"But I'm not concerned about that now. I just want to do God's will.) And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. (And I've looked over, and I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the Promised Land. "And so I'm happy tonight; I'm not worried about anything; I'm not fearing any man. Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord."

Voters, especially black voters looking for a reason to cast a ballot in the absence of President Obama, need to remember those days as this election season heats up.

Plenty of people died for that precious right. Two of them worked on a garbage truck.

Deadpool’ becomes highest grossing R-rated movie of all time

Deadpool’ becomes highest grossing R-rated movie of all time

‘Deadpool’ becomes highest grossing R-rated movie of all time
Marvel’s antihero hit “Deadpool” has scored a new victory, becoming the highest-grossing R-rated movie all time.

"Deadpool" continues to break records. Photo Credit: Joe Lederer
"Deadpool" continues to break records.

The Ryan Reynolds-led comic book adaptation has garnered $745 million worldwide since its mid-February release, according to website Box Office Mojo.

The figures mean the flick has edged out the $742 million raked in by 2003’s “The Matrix Reloaded,” which held the R-rated record for over a decade, Entertainment Weekly reported.

Domestically, the film sits at the third spot for a restricted rated movie taking in $349.9 million while "The Passion of the Christ" holds on to first place with $370.8 million. In the second spot is "American Sniper" at $350.1 million — which the superhero flick will likely pass if it continues its climb in numbers.

The success is remarkable as the film was not releasedin China. Not surprisingly, writers Rhett Reese and Paul Wenick recently told the Hollywood Reporter they expect to go into production with a sequel for the blockbuster.

The 20th Century Fox thriller has shattered records and exceeded expectations since it debuted during President’s Day weekend to rave reviews and drew$135 million in its first three days.

Its opening weekend had already surpassed “The Matrix Reloaded,” making it the best R-rated debut weekend of all time, according to Forbes.

The Ryan Reynolds-led flick has become the highest R-rated movie of all time. 20th Century Fox
The Ryan Reynolds-led flick has become the highest R-rated movie of all time.

The film from the Wachowski siblings earned $91.8 million in May of 2003.

“Deadpool” also earned the biggest February opening in box office history.

The news comes as “Batman V. Superman” has scoredalmost $500 million worldwide since its PG-13 release, despite being panned by critics.

3.5-metre 'bull shark' caught off NSW South Coast

3.5-metre 'bull shark' caught off NSW South Coast

A large shark has been brought ashore in Wollongong, three days after a surfer was attacked in waters off Kiama, on the NSW South Coast.

Four men try to lift a large shark - thought to be a bull shark - into a ute at Austinmer, Wollongong.

Four men try to lift a large shark - thought to be a bull shark - into a ute at Austinmer, Wollongong. Photo: Angela Thompson

Fishermen offloaded the shark near the Austinmer boat ramp on Headlands Avenue, about 8am on Saturday.

Fishermen attempt to shield the shark from sight.

Fishermen attempt to shield the shark from sight. Photo: Angela Thompson

Unconfirmed reports suggest it was a bull shark, about 3.5 metres long.


Five men worked together to lift the lifeless creature onto the back of a ute and to shield the sight from onlookers and the Illawarra Mercury's camera.

"They've got to go in the water," said one of the men, pointing to a group of junior lifesavers. "They don't need to see this."

With the shark loaded in the ute, the men prepare to depart.

With the shark loaded in the ute, the men prepare to depart. Photo: Angela Thompson

Where the shark was caught, and in what circumstances, is unknown.

Kiama surfer Brett Connellan was badly injuredin an attack at Bombo Beach on Wednesday evening when a shark bit off a large chunk of his thigh.

The attack prompted two days of beach closures and surveillance by council authorities and the NSW Department of Primary Industries.

A department spokeswoman said the activity at Austinmer on Saturday was unrelated to its search efforts surrounding the attack at Kiama.

"NSWDPI Shark Meshing Program contractors have not retrieved any sharks from the South Coast area today," the spokeswoman said.

"Following a shark attack, NSWDPI works with NSW Police to determine what action should be taken to minimise any ongoing risk.

"DPI Fisheries staff conducted patrols of the area around Bombo Beach on Thursday, in conjunction with NSW Police and Surf Lifesaving. No shark was spotted."

Beaches around Kiama were reopened on Saturday morning.

Desperate chimpanzee who escaped from zoo makes futile lunge for freedom in Japan

Desperate chimpanzee who escaped from zoo makes futile lunge for freedom in Japan

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Chimpanzee makes high-wire escape

An escaped male chimpanzee is captured by city officials after falling off an electricity pole in northern Japan.

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A male chimpanzee named Chacha escaped from a zoo in northern Japan and desperately tried to flee by climbing a power pole.

The primate had disappeared from the Yagiyama Zoological Park in Sendai and was on the loose for nearly two hours.

Chacha the chimpanzee lunges at the zoo worker who shot him with a sedative arrow in Sendai, Japan.

Chacha the chimpanzee lunges at the zoo worker who shot him with a sedative arrow in Sendai, Japan. Photo: AP

Television footage showed Chacha perched on the pole and wires, agitated and screaming at zoo workers below.


A man in a cherry picker shot him in the back with a sedative arrow.

He lunged at the man, then tried to escape by running along the power line.

Chacha holds grimly onto a power pole after being hit by a sedative arrow in Sendai.

Chacha holds grimly onto a power pole after being hit by a sedative arrow in Sendai. Photo: Kyodo News via AP

He finally fell head down into a blanket held by a dozen workers on the ground.

Zoo officials said he was unhurt but recovering from the sedation.

The zoo is investigating how he escaped.

Sendai is hosting finance ministers from the Group of Seven industrialised nations next month.

AP, New York Times, Fairfax Media

London woman tracks down her sperm donor across the world, falls in love and marries him

London woman tracks down her sperm donor across the world, falls in love and marries him

This is the real version of “How I Met Your Mother.”
When London woman Aminah Hart turned 42-years-old, she realized that she wanted to have a baby.

Aminah Hart Aminah Hart/via Facebook
Aminah Hart's book "How I Met Your Father" details her family's beautiful story.

When London woman Aminah Hart turned 42-years-old, she realized that she wanted to have a baby. As she was single at the time, she opted to try In Vitro Fertilization - a process whereby a prospective mother's egg is fertilized by sperm outside of the body. The sperm used in IVF is often provided by an anonymous donor - such was the case in Hart's experience.

During the selection process, Hart was presented with three application forms. Aside from medical information, candidates were allotted a small section to write a little about themselves. The London woman said that one applicant's bio, in particular, stood out to her, according to ABC Australia.

Nine months after choosing her mysterious donor, Hart's beautiful little daughter, Leila, was born. Brimming with pride at her new bundle of joy in the world, she couldn't help but wonder who her little girl's father was.

The new mom decided to stick to the rules and go through the IVF registry - where it's possible to anonymously contact donors with a thank you letter and photographs.

"I just sent him an email of thanks, really from the bottom of my heart," Hart told ABC Australia.

Across the globe - over 9,000 miles away - Scott Andersen, an Australian cattle farmer and father of four, received the messages which would change his life forever. Under no obligation to reply, he did, he thought that Leila was "gorgeous."

A photo posted by @aminahhart1 on Mar 26, 2016 at 5:34am PDT

Andersen told Hart of how their daughter sharply resembled his other four kids from previous marriages and he decided he wanted to meet her.

For six months Hart and Andersen kept in touch via email. Then one day, just a few days before their daughter's first birthday, Hart got on an Australia-bound plane from London with Leila to finally meet face-to-face.

Following a positive first meeting, the two decided to get together with Leila once every few weeks. Andersen was fantastic with his daughter, and it was only a matter of time before the little tike's parents' relationship blossomed, too.

"Those two fell in love with each other, honestly," Hart told ABC Australia of Leila and her daddy's immediate bond.

Before Hart knew it, the pieces of the puzzle all came together. One night Andersen ran out to grab some milk and came home with an engagement ring and proposed - Hart said yes, and they have been together ever since.

Hart has written a book, "How I Met Your Father," detailing the family's incredibly unique story and it's set to become a movie.

