Don't feel bad for racist lowlife Hulk Hogan: Not since Kim Kardashian has a sex tape been so profitable

Hulk Hogan was awarded a $115 million judgement against Gawker because the site posted a sex tape of Hogan going at it with Heather Clem, the wife of his best friend, Bubba the Love Sponge, in Sponge Bubba’s home.

What Mark Dadswell/Getty Images
What's Hulk Hogan listening to? The sweet cha-ching of a cash register.

Not since Kim Kardashian’s sex tape has oral sex been so profitable.

Hulk’s lawyer Kenneth Turkel actually said (and wasn’t laughed out of the Bar although he would have been laughed out of any regular bar in the world), “I think that being in a bedroom with your best friend’s wife should be something Terry should expect to be private.”

Exactly! Where has our humanity gone? If you get oral sex from your best friend’s wife, the last thing you deserve is to have your privacy invaded — even if you knew your best friend liked to watch his wife having sex with other men!

The St. Petersburg, Fla., jury awarded Hogan $55 million for economic injuries and another $60 mil just for the “emotional distress” the Hulk-a-Maniac suffered. No, Hogan wasn’t distressed from the oral sex (as far as we know anyway), but from the shock of having his romp posted for 7 million to see.

Why would someone who laughed about the tape on the Howard Stern show be so distressed after the fact?

Hulk Hogan appeared in a sex tape with Heather Clem. 
Hulk Hogan appeared in a sex tape with Heather Clem.

“Because,” said Turkel, “he’s a regular family guy,” that’s why.

A regular racist family guy who got fired for saying on that same sex tape — according to Radar Online and The Enquirer — about his daughter, yet: “I mean, I’d rather if she was going to f--- some n-----, I’d rather have her marry an 8-foot-tall n----- worth a hundred million dollars! Like a basketball player!”

And, “I guess we’re all a little racist. Fucking n-----. …I am a racist, to a point, f---ing n----s. But then when it comes to nice people and sh-t, and whatever.”

Now that’s a concerned dad!

It was all enough to make a hard man cry. And cry Hulk did-after the settlement was announced.

Meantime, how is it that sportscaster Erin Andrews felt the Internet hate after a jury awarded her $55 million for being violated inside her own hotel room by a man who drilled a hole into the door, videotaped her naked, and posted it online for 17 million to see?