Top Dog Heroes: Photos

The awards, which have been given over the past four years, honor courageous dogs who go above and beyond the call of duty, and/or who have overcome immense adversity.

America's most heroic dogs have just been named by a panel of dog lovers and experts, along with nearly 1 million public votes, for the 2015 American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards.

"It is an honor to support an effort to recognize the valor of our 'best friends,'" said Lois Pope, who has been the awards' presenting sponsor over all four years.

"From those who defend our country to those who help us heal, guide us, protect us, and help find the lost, every single contender exemplifies the courage and heroism we seek to spotlight in the Hero Dog Awards campaign," she added. "Through this national forum we have helped educate America about the lifesaving, life-affirming work of our nation's canine heroes."

One of the honored dogs is Harley, who was abused for 10 years while living in a small cage in a puppy mill. Current owner Rudi Taylor rescued Harley, who suffered from heart problems, a fused spine, a broken tail, gnarled toes, deformed legs, and tooth and gum disease.

After receiving health care, Harley now helps other formerly abused dogs, both indirectly, through the campaign "Harley to the Rescue,"and directly with site visits.

Taylor said, "There is something indescribable in the way he communicates with the sad and scared dogs."

Rudi Taylor


Glory is a "certified accelerant detection canine." That means she is trained to sniff out minute traces of hydrocarbon-based accelerants, which can be used to commit arson.

Glory works in her home state of Wisconsin, and in neighboring states too.

"Glory's keen senses go far beyond detecting accelerants," owner Keith Lynn said. "Firefighters and paramedics deal with situations that affect them emotionally. Glory has the ability to sense whom is having a rough day and will spend time with them, which helps to relieve that stress."

Glory Lynn


Pit bull Hudson and his two siblings at just three weeks old were found nailed to railroad tracks in Albany, NY. As a result, Hudson's paw was cut off. He was later treated for his injuries, along with his sister Pearl, but his sister Carina sadly died because of the prior abuse.

Hudson underwent several surgeries and was outfitted with a prosthetic paw. Owner Richard Nash then "got him in training," he said, "with the goal that Hudson and I would become a therapy dog team."

They did just that, and the two now visit schools, hospitals, adult day care facilities, hospices and more.

Nash said, "Hudson brings smiles to everyone he meets… Hudson the Railroad Puppy is changing hearts and minds about the pit bull breeds one at a time."

Richard Nash


German Shepherd Axel is a member of K9s for Warriors, an organization that provides veterans with service canines.

Axel was paired with Captain Jason Haag (U.S. Marine Corps, Ret.), who was diagnosed with Post-traumatic Stress Disorder and traumatic brain injury after returning from two combat tours in the Middle East.

"In combat, every soldier is paired up with a battle buddy," Haag said. "These days, my battle buddy isn't another Marine. It's Axel. Day in and day out, he's by my side, ensuring that I'm in a constant state of peace and not fear."

Jason Haag


Two dogs named "Glory" made the list. In this case, Glory is an eight-year-old bloodhound who has been trained and certified to track lost pets. During her long and successful career, Glory has helped to bring closure to hundreds of families.

Glory's owner Landa Coldiron shared a statement from the owner of a once-lost cat named Pistol.

"We were terrified," it reads. "Pistol was gone from our front yard and we had no idea where to look. When Glory led me to the freeway and wanted to cross, I couldn't believe it. But Glory was right, as we had Pistol back that same afternoon. Pistol had crossed the 101 freeway and was right across from where Glory indicated."

Landa Coldiron

Sgt. Rambo served in the Marine Corps from Jan. 6, 2011, to April 11, 2012, as an explosive detection Military Working Dog (MWD) based out of MCCS Cherry Point, N.C.

While on active duty, Rambo conducted 994 hours of training, and 622 missions on base and in his local community. Rambo was medically retired due to a left shoulder injury, and in November 2012, had to have that limb amputated.

Now, Rambo visits places like nursing homes, where owner Lisa Phillips said "he is able to bring love and life to the residents who suffer with dementia."

Rambo also visits youth groups during the summer, she added, bringing "hope to children with special needs."

Lisa Phillips


Officer Chris Alberini works with Dax, whom he said "saved me from being shot when he climbed into an attic where a suspect was hiding with a shotgun. If Dax hadn't been there, I'd be dead."

Alberini found out later that the suspect had previously texted both his attorney and girlfriend about killing police.

Speaking on behalf of his force in Ashland, Massachusetts, Alberini said, "We all owe our lives to this brave canine."

Chris Alberini


Originally trained as a signal service dog for the deaf, Chara wound up training herself to detect impending involuntary muscle attacks up to 45 minutes prior to the episodes. She did this after her deaf handler, Kristina Church-DiCiccio, developed a neurological condition that causes the attacks.

Church-DiCiccio said that now Chara is "the furry guardian or angel that watches over everyone and everything."

Chara and the other seven dogs on this list are finalists for the 2015 Hero Dog award.

"The American Humane Association Hero Dog Awards celebrate the important role dogs play in our lives," said Robin Ganzert, who is president and CEO of the American Humane Association. "The American public and our special judging panel now have an extraordinarily tough task ahead of them in determining who our top dog will be because all are worthy winners."

To learn more about the eight finalist dogs and to cast your vote (through September 7), please visit the Hero Dog Awards website.

Kristina Church-DiCiccio

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