Humans Accidentally Tame Flies, Fish, Others: Photos

We have inadvertently domesticated certain flies, adding them to the list of often-unexpected animals that we have changed from their natural forms.

Feb 2, 2016 10:00 AM ET //

Nov 21, 2015 07:00 AM ET //

These ocular show-offs really bring the visual razzle-dazzle.

Jul 30, 2015 06:00 PM ET //

Some fruit flies, when put in front of a video game, controlled the game, meaning that they had awareness of their surroundings and where they stood in them. Continue reading →

Jan 8, 2015 09:45 AM ET //

The Dohrniphora flies quickly guillotine their prey with a long, sawlike proboscis, always targeting injured ants to avoid becoming dinner themselves.

Dec 23, 2014 09:30 AM ET //

If you think you've gotten some weird holiday presents, learn what other animals give as gifts.

Dec 18, 2014 12:00 PM ET //

Changes in certain animals can signal earthquakes, tornadoes, heat waves and more.

Sep 2, 2014 02:40 PM ET //

Contest yields a stunning array of pictures of nature in action.

Mar 28, 2014 06:14 AM ET

Flies are one of the grossest pests that we encounter on a daily basis. But the flight patterns of flies are pretty insane. Anthony and Trisha Hershberger from Sourcefed discuss how incredible flies are.

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