Tulane University Kappa Alpha builds Donald Trump-themed wall around frat house; activists tear it down

Frat boys, tear down this wall.

A Louisiana fraternity erected a giant Donald Trump-themed wall around its off-campus house — but dismantlers swiftly deconstructed the bizarre barricade.

Tulane University’s Kappa Alpha Order painted “Make America Great Again” and “Trump” on the sandbag fence after the brothers set it up last week. The fraternity puts up the wall every year for an annual game of capture the flag, but the addition of the anti-immigration presidential candidate’s name and slogan were new this year.

Other students quickly criticized the group for its apparent support of the raving Republican who has advocated building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico. Days later, someone dismantled the 5-foot barrier, the Times-Picayune reported.

Video posted to YouTube showed a group of men hurling the wall’s sandbags into the street as a man on the frat house’s front porch ordered the brothers to “get inside” the house. The de-construction workers have not been identified.

Tulane's Latino student group, GENTE, began an online petitionsupporting the dismantlers.

Members of Kappa Alpha at Tulane University in New Orleans put up a "Make American Great Again" around their frat house. Facebook
Members of Kappa Alpha at Tulane University in New Orleans put up a "Make American Great Again" around their frat house. Enlarge The sandbag wall was torn down shortly after the brothers put it up. Facebook
The sandbag wall was torn down shortly after the brothers put it up. Enlarge

Members of Kappa Alpha at Tulane University in New Orleans put up a "Make American Great Again" around their frat house last week.

“They are sending a clear message to students of color, especially Latino and Muslim students, that they are not welcome here,” the petition read. “The wall is a tangible embodiment of the daily aggressions that Latino and Muslim students face at this school.”

National and campus Kappa Alpha leaders claimed the wall was a work of satire, not an endorsement of Trump and his xenophobic ideologies.

"The comment was written on a makeshift wall on our private property, normally used for a game of capture the flag, to mock the ideologies of a political candidate. This had a unintended negative effect and as such it has been dismantled,” Jesse Lyons, a representative from the national fraternity, told the newspaper in a statement.

Dusty Porter, Tulane’s vice president of student affairs, said the campus’ Greek life and Multicultural Affairs departments are both investigating the incident.

Trump started making anti-immigration policy promises the day he announced his presidential candidacy, and has long used Anti-Mexican rhetoric in his campaign. He has vowed to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico to keep out undocumented immigrants — and swears he’ll make Mexico pay for it.