Ice Cube: ‘Donald Trump is what Americans love,’ but mogul wouldn’t help poor people


N.W.A. rapper Ice Cube theorizes that voters have rallied around GOP front-runner Donald Trump because he symbolizes “the American dream.”

The newly inducted Rock and Roll Hall of Famer pointed to the swaggering “Apprentice” boss’ 1% status while trying to explain his aspirational appeal in a recent interview.

“Donald Trump is what Americans love. Donald Trump is what Americans aspire to be: rich, powerful, do what you wanna do, say what you wanna say, be how you wanna be,” the “Straight Outta Compton” star told Bloomberg Politics.

“That’s kind of been like the American dream. He looks like a boss to everybody, and Americans love to have a boss.”

With that said, the California-born rapper/actor said the bloviating billionaire would do little to help America’s poor — because he doesn’t understand their plight.

“Do I think he’s going to do anything to help poor people or people that’s struggling? No,” Ice Cube said. “He’s a rich white guy. How can he relate? ... Being rich don’t make you bad, I ain’t saying that, but I’m just saying, how can he relate?”

The “F--k Tha Police” rapper also weighed in on Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and her recent attempts to smooth over her labeling young black criminals “super-predators” in 1996.

"Donald Trump is what Americans aspire to be," the "Are We There Yet?" star said in a recent interview.
"Donald Trump is what Americans aspire to be," the "Are We There Yet?" star said in a recent interview.

“To call your own citizens ‘super-predators’ is pretty harsh and a pretty big indictment. It’s just like the term ‘thug’ or ‘hoodlum,’” Ice Cube said. “It’s just an easy brush to paint somebody with, and it’s really not solving the problem, it’s just making it worse.”

Former President Bill Clinton found himself defending his wife’s word choice and his own anti-crime legislation — which led to the incarceration of many young black men during the ‘90s — against vocal Black Lives Matter protesters last week in Philadelphia.

“For some reason, the Democrats feel like they’re exempt from these protests. It’s like, ‘We’re Democrats, why are you talking to us like this? Go talk to the Republicans,’” the rapper told Bloomberg. “No, no. everybody’s a little guilty of turning their back or passing bad legislation, and everybody should be called out on it.”

As for Clinton’s rival, longtime Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, Ice Cube seemed less than impressed.

“He’s been in there 30 years, and you know, what have you done? … What are you gonna do different from outside Congress?” he said. “All of ’em to me have work to do to get my vote.”