Megyn Kelly, Donald Trump meet to discuss a potential interview after months of abuse from GOP front-runner

The lady and the Trump have buried the hatchet — and not in each other.

Fox News host Megyn Kelly met Wednesday with her biggest critic: Donald Trump.

The adversaries sat down for an hour meeting in the GOP front-runner’s Trump Tower office to discuss the possibility of doing an interview, according to Kelly.

“We had a chance to clear the air,” she said Wednesday night on “The Kelly File.”

Trump has targeted Kelly throughout the presidential race ever since she asked a tough question about his past comments about women at the first Republican primary debate last year.

Trump aimed his juvenile schoolyard barbs at Kelly, saying the moderator had “blood coming out of her whatever.”

“I don’t think she’s a professional. I don’t think she’s a talented person,” the former reality star told ABC’s “Good Morning America” in January after backing out of another debate Kelly was set to moderate.

APRIL 4, 2016 FILE PHOTO Charles Rex Arbogast/AP
Donald Trump launched a tirade against Fox News host Megyn Kelly since the first Republican primary debate last year, saying she "had blood coming out of her whatever," saying she's not "a professional," and more.

Recently, Trump has called Kelly “crazy” on numerous occasions and questioned her professionalism because, in his opinion, she uses her show to do “hit pieces” on him.

Kelly, who has said she has received death threats for standing up to Trump, has said in the past that she would welcome the sophomoric tycoon on the program despite the pair’s heated past.

Fox News released a statement earlier in the day.

“Fox News chairman and CEO Roger Ailes has spoken to Donald Trump a few times over the past three months about appearing on a Fox Broadcasting special with Megyn Kelly airing on May 23,” the statement said. “Kelly has acknowledged in recent interviews that Trump is a fascinating person to cover and has electrified the Republican base.”