Star Trek: The Motion Picture’ is a pretty dull trip: 1979 review

‘Star Trek: The Motion Picture’ is a pretty dull trip: 1979 review
(Originally published by the Daily News on December 8, 1979.

New York Daily News published this article on December 8, 1979. New York Daily News
New York Daily News published this article on December 8, 1979.

(Originally published by the Daily News on December 8, 1979. This story was written by Kathleen Carroll.)

“Star Trek,” that futuristic TV series that captivated millions of earthlings in the ’60’s, has, thanks to popular demand, been converted into a monster of a movie. On second thought, this long-awaited science-fiction adventure saga is not so much a movie as it is a sort of giant display case, designed exclusively to show off the latest space gimmickry and photographic tricks invented by Hollywood’s most creative special effects artists, Douglas Trumball and John Dykstra.

Under the listless direction of Robert Wise, “Star Trek” continuously grinds to a complete halt as the camera lovingly scans some expensive piece of equipment - like the massive-looking replica of the Starship U.S.S. Enterprise, and the sound level of composer Jimmy Goldsmith’s ponderous music rises accordingly.

“Star Trek” fans (who are known as Trekkies although it is said that some prefer the more formal Trekkers) will be pleased to note the return of their favorite stars, all of whom look a little older, if not wiser.

William Shatner (who remains teary-eyed throughout the movie apparently to show that he is quite overcome by this reunion with his spacecraft), as Admiral James Kirk, has used his forceful personality to regain command of his old ship, the Enterprise. He is reluctantly joined by the ship’s one-time resident physician and self-appointed psychiatrist, the gruff Dr. McCoy (De Forest Kelley, who looks much the worst for the wear and tear of the last ten years, but who also supplies some welcome humor.).

As the re-designed Enterprise heads out into space on the now standard mission of having to intercept a mysterious planetary intruder that is presently on a collision course with the planet, Earth, another familiar face materializes. With his slanted eyebrows and pointed ears, he could only be the all-knowing Vulcan, Mr. Spock, and he could only be played by the impeccably straight-faced Leonard Nimoy.

There are newcomers aboard the Enterprise, among them a bald-headed, but still striking-looking navigator (Persis Khambatta) who quickly reassures her fellow passengers that “my oath of celibacy is on record,” and the newly replaced captain of the Enterprise (Stephen Collins) who exchanges meaningful looks with the Deltan navigator throughout the voyage.

Spock, after he first makes contact with the intruder (which is later discovered to be a “living machine” in search of its “Creator”) reports that it is “cold” and it lacks “mystery.” The same could be said for “Star Trek.” It is a purely mechanical movie that is no more dazzling to the eye than a nighttime landing at Kennedy airport.