Hillary Clinton vows to open immigration office in speech trashing Donald Trump

In a one-two punch at Republican rival Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton said she’d be so pro-immigrant if elected that she’d create a federal office just to help newcomers — and bashed the billionaire for his “bigotry.”
The “Office of Immigrant Affairs” will work with states to ensure that immigrants are fully integrated into American life, Clinton said Wednesday.

She announced plans for the new office while receiving an endorsement from the New York State Immigration Action Fund and used the opportunity to hit at Trump.

Basta !” she said of Trump.

“Enough with the prejudice, and the bluster and the bigotry and all of the appeals to fear and anxiety and anger.”

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi Andrew Savulich/New York Daily News
As commander-in-chief, Hillary Clinton says she'll open the Office of Immigrant Affairs to help immigrants become fully integrated with living in America.