Invisible' Train Blends Into the Countryside

'Invisible' Train Blends Into the Countryside
The new Seibu flagship train cars will have an organic shape and semi-reflective skin designed to mirror the surrounding scenery.

Apr 4, 2016 01:12 PM ET //

The new Seibu flagship train cars will have an organic shape and semi-reflective skin designed to mirror the surrounding scenery. Continue reading →

Jan 31, 2016 08:00 AM ET //

The world's highest, longest glass bridge, Salvador Dali's art in virtual reality and drone races top this week's gallery.

Oct 1, 2015 02:00 PM ET //

The new fuel has an unexpected side benefit, too — 12 percent fewer emissions than conventional fuels.

Sep 20, 2015 07:45 AM ET //

Coming at you this week at a high rate of speed: an express train between Los Angeles and Las Vegas and a 3-D printer that can print a house.

May 14, 2015 02:00 PM ET //

Positive Train Control systems use satellite and computer data to monitor trains and prevent them from going too fast.

Apr 26, 2015 10:00 AM ET //

This week on Tasty Tech, we have a cappuccino-brewing robot, clear clay and the fastest train in the world.

Aug 3, 2014 10:00 AM ET //

This week we turn to nature for inspiration, all the way from leaves that produce oxygen to humans that produce emotion.

Feb 14, 2014 08:34 AM ET //

Stainless steel "On the Go" travel kiosks display help riders plot routes, show service updates, highlight attractions and provide train arrival estimates. Continue reading →

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