4-D Origami Could Fold House Into a Backpack

Harvard researchers announce radically foldable material that can change size, shape and volume.

Mar 11, 2016 02:45 PM ET //

Harvard researchers announce radically foldable material that can change size, shape and volume. Continue reading →

Jan 31, 2016 08:00 AM ET //

The world's highest, longest glass bridge, Salvador Dali's art in virtual reality and drone races top this week's gallery.

Dec 30, 2015 09:20 AM ET //

With the careful construction of tiny paper origami cubes, you can infuse some light and beauty into any room. Continue reading →

Nov 23, 2015 04:00 PM ET //

Compressed paper kits stretch out accordion-style into benches, walls, chairs, tables and lights. Continue reading →

Nov 11, 2015 01:00 PM ET //

Gently heating a sheet of graphene paper gives it the ability to walk forward and backward.

Oct 7, 2015 11:20 AM ET //

The gadgets are part of CEATEC, Asia's largest electronics fair.

Sep 9, 2015 04:00 PM ET //

Thanks to a new zippered tube configuration, paper structures can now be stiff enough to hold weight, yet have the ability to fold flat for shipping. Continue reading →

Aug 24, 2015 11:30 AM ET //

Understanding how to bend materials smoothly or snap them quickly could enable more efficient mechanical designs

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