Going Blue: Ocean Landscapes Need Protection

Wear Blue for Oceans Day
Choose your favorite hue of blue to support the world's oceans today.

Wear Blue For Oceans Day is Wednesday, Jan. 13, 2010. Event organizers are asking Americans to wear blue to show support for a federal ocean, coastline and Great Lakes protection policy.

Take a closer look at the creatures that inhabit the ocean deep, and find out why these ecosystems are worth protecting.

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The Arctic

Arctic seals depend on the frigid waters and floating ice sheets of the Arctic Ocean for hunting and breeding. Seal pups need at least 12 days on the ice to nurse before they are strong enough to venture out.

National Snow and Ice Data Center, Getty Imag

Polar Waters

A humpback whale breaches the waters of the Icy Strait near Alaska. A network of mostly freshwater rivers and seas, this fragile ecosystem is slow to recover from disruptions or damage.

EPA, Getty Images

Atlantic Ocean

A school of sardines swims off the coast of Canada. Most of the largest fisheries in the world rely on sardines to feed profitable, top predator fish such as tuna.

NOAA, Getty Images

East Pacific Ocean

Giant kelp float freely near Anacapa Island, Calif. in the Pacific Ocean. Kelp forests are vitally important because they create shelter and provide nutrients for fish and algae.

NOAA, Getty Images

West Pacific Ocean

A giant squid attacks a bait squid being pulled up by a marine research team off the Ogasawara Islands, south of Tokyo, in 2006.

The giant squid is still a bit of a mystery to marine biologists, who have only begun to understand this elusive beast in recent years.

AP Photo/Tsunemi Kubodera of the National Sci

South Pacific Ocean

Regal Angelfish and Moorish Idols, with a school of Bigeye Scad in the background, swim gracefully over coral reef near West Papua, Indonesia in the South Pacific.

Coral reefs not only attract a rich and colorful variety of sea creatures; they also actually generate life, as reported in a recent Discovery News story.

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East Indian Ocean

A sea star waits patiently for a meal on a reef near Komodo Island, Indonesia.

Discovery News' Michael Reilly recently found out that starfish and other ocean dwellers are aiding in the fight against global warming by sucking millions of tons of carbon from the atmosphere.

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North Indian Ocean

An ocean shelf looms through the crystal clear waters near the Maldives. These calm waters are home to thousands of animals, including whales and dolphins.

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Australian Waters

This great white shark closes in for the kill near North Neptune Island in south Australian waters. A top predator of the oceans, the great white is already endangered as a result of poaching and habitat loss.

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Southern Ocean, Antarctica

Warming has carved out fantastic icebergs and icy chunks from the Collins Ice Cap in Antarctica. The continent holds almost two-thirds of the world's fresh water.

Melting ice could mean not only a loss of habitats for wildlife, but also for humans as rising sea levels flood coastal cities and towns.

"Wear Blue for Oceans" Day events and rallies will be held in 10 cities across the nation, including Washington D.C., San Francisco, New Orleans, and Anchorage, Alaska.

To learn more about the campaign and how you can help, visit their website.

USGS, Getty Images

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