British Music Legend David Bowie Dies

British music legend David Bowie has died after a long battle with cancer, his official Twitter and Facebook accounts said Monday, prompting an outpouring of tributes.

Jan 11, 2016 03:45 AM ET //

Jan 11, 2016 11:37 AM ET //

Remembering David Bowie, who has died at age 69, from odd Ziggy Stardust to the rock icon he became. Continue reading →

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Musicians get more out of music because their brain waves are better able to synchronize with musical rhythms.

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What separates the singers we love to hear from those we wish would just stop? How far do hard work and practice get people whose urge is to warble? Can you practice your way to being Pavarotti? DNews examines the science behind singing.

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Did your parents ever tell you that listening to angry and aggressive music is bad for you? This study might just prove them wrong.

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Twerking goes way back, as a dance where one uses 'thrusting movements of the bottom and hips while in a low, squatting stance.'

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Known for his soaring guitar licks and as an inspiration for generations of musicians, the blues legend died at age 89.

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Algorithms and computer analysis used to track pop music from 1960 to 2010 show hip hop was the single most important event in 50 years.

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