Stasi: Bye to last bozo who spearheaded Bill Clinton's impeachment

And then there were none.

Exported.; Hamburg, Harry
Serial child molester and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) pleaded guilty to structuring and failing to report hush money he used to pay off a minor male student he’d sexually abused.

This month, Dennis Hastert completes the unholy trinity of holier-than-thou congressmen all of whom spearheaded Bill Clinton’s impeachment to, er, go down for being involved in sex-and-money scandals more disgracefully sordid than Clinton’s ever was.

And that fourth sleazy guy. You know, prosecutor Ken Starr who’s now joking about rapes that took place on his watch.

With Donald Trump vs. Hillary Clinton debates for sure on the horizon in which Trump who takes no prisoners will probably bring up the sex scandals and impeachment of Clinton’s husband let’s look at the phonies who led the charge way back when and the scandals that later brought each of them down.

Serial child molester and former House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) pleaded guilty to structuring and failing to report hush money he used to pay off a minor male student he’d sexually abused (that’s called pedophilia in my book). The former student is one of five boys Hastert abused when he was a high school teacher, according to prosecutors.

Hastert, the Jerry Sandusky of Congress, now says he feels “despair” and “regret,” which leads him to think he should get off with probation and no jail time the only place the scum bucket belongs for the rest of his lowlife.

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Former President Bill Clinton speaks in New York on behalf of his wife.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.), who quit “in disgrace,” as Mitt Romney said, cheated on his second wife with his future third wife after the second wife was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And his affair with soon-to-be wife No. 3 was going on while he was trying to get Clinton thrown out for lying about his affair.

Rep. Bob Livingston (R-La.), who was about to replace disgraced Gingrich as speaker, quit in disgrace himself (on the eve of the impeachment debate) because Hustler magazine had nailed the family values guy for his numerous affairs.

Former House Judiciary Committee Chairman Henry Hyde, who spearheaded the impeachment, had a long extramarital affair with Cherie Snodgrass. Worse, while in the Senate, after leaving the House Banking Committee, Hyde joined the board of directors of Clyde Federal Savings and Loan, which then failed. He’s the only congressional member, Salon pointed out, ever sued for “gross negligence” in an S&L failure.

Finally, we come to prosecutor Ken Starr who has his own sex scandal to deal with as president of Baylor University. The smug, self-righteous sex-obsessed prosecutor has been slammed for remaining silent on rapes by football players at Baylor. He finally opened up at a Christian prayer breakfast. He told Star-Telegram columnist Mac Engel that he had remained silent about the rapes on advice of counsel. This from a former prosecutor!

Starr even joked about it: “As Fiorello LaGuardia once colorfully said, ‘When I make a mistake, it’s a beaut.’” A beaut? Love those rape quips, Kenny boy.