Gonzalez: NYC can make naturalization affordable for immigrants looking for citizenship, Controller Scott Stringer says

City officials should move to reduce the soaring cost of naturalization for New York’s 670,000 legal immigrants eligible to become U.S. citizens, city Controller Scott Stringer urges in a new report.

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It can cost thousands of dollars to become a permanent resident.

Federal fees for citizenship applications have skyrocketed from just $60 in 1989 to a whopping $680 today, Stringer notes in a report to be released Wednesday. Even after accounting for inflation, that’s more than a 500% increase.

On top of that, immigrants face “additional costs that can run into the thousands of dollars, including the cost of English classes and consultations with immigration lawyers,” the report said.

The gamut of expenses now poses an obstacle to citizenship for legal immigrants with low incomes. And while federal law allows for fee waivers, a recent study found the waiver process so confusing and cumbersome that only 3% of citizenship applicants in 2011 managed to qualify for it.

“There is an economic barrier to citizenship for poor immigrants,” Stringer told the Daily News. “They don’t have the dollars to become citizens, and that’s against everything we stand for.”

Instead, Stringer wants the federal government to lower the fees, which now generate 95% of the entire funding for the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service. But that’s highly unlikely, given the current Republican majorities in both the House and the Senate.

So his report also proposes some measures New York City — the nation’s historic gateway to immigration — can take to defray naturalization costs.

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City controller Scott Stringer said high fees to become a legal U.S. citizen are an unfair hurdle for poor immigrants.

The most novel idea is a new tax credit for employers who are willing to subsidize the citizenship application fees of their workers.

In addition, Stringer wants City Hall to restore funding for more than 6,000 seats in adult literacy classes that were cut from last year’s city budget.

He also calls for increased city funding for free immigration counseling by community-based nonprofits.

All three of these proposals would reduce out-of-pocket costs for thousands of citizenship applicants.

Remember, we’re talking here about legal immigrants, people who have abided by the all rules and who have already incurred substantial costs just to become legal permanent residents.