Guptas have not appointed any ministers: Zuma

Parliament – South African President Jacob Zuma on Thursday told Parliament the Gupta family, whom Deputy Finance Minister Jonas Mcebisi has said offered him the ministry, has never appointed any Cabinet minister or deputy minister.

Guptas have not appointed any ministers: Zuma


President Jacob Zuma Picture: Phando Jikelo

“There is no minister who is here who was ever appointed by the Guptas or by anybody else,” Zuma told the National Assembly.


Pressed by Democratic Alliance leader Mmusi Maimane about Jonas’ revelation, Zuma said he knew nothing about it.

“Don’t ask me. Ask the Guptas and Jonas,” he said after chuckling briefly. “Where do I come in?”

Read: Guptas to inspire Cabinet shuffle?

He added: “Honourable Speaker, I appointed Jonas as a deputy minister, I never offered Jonas a ministry.”

African News Agency

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