Clinton, Sanders joust, shout in debate over guns and Wall Street

Democratic U.S. presidential candidates Hillary Clinton (L) and Bernie Sanders both gesture during a Democratic debate in New York.


The Democratic front-runner and rival battled fiercely on Thursday in a high-volume US presidential debate.

Democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton and rival Bernie Sanders battled fiercely on Thursday over Wall Street, guns, and the minimum wage and questioned each other's judgment in a contentious and at times high-volume US presidential debate.

Five days before New Yorkers vote in a crucial nominating contest, Clinton and Sanders showed the pressure of their marathon race with a series of feisty exchanges that featured them shouting at each other in unison.

"If you're both screaming at each other, the viewers won't be able to hear either of you," moderator Wolf Blitzer warned at one point.

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Thirty minutes into the debate, Clinton had been mentioned 35,000 times on Twitter and Sanders 30,000 times. The firm said 56.2% of Clinton tweets were positive while a little more than half of Sanders' tweets reflected negative sentiment.

Sanders, who had questioned the former secretary of state's qualifications to be president, conceded she was qualified but said she had shown poor judgment by taking money from Wall Street for speeches she gave, by voting as a US Senator to back the 2003 Iraq invasion and by supporting free trade deals.

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"Does Secretary Clinton have the intelligence, the experience to be president? Of course, she does but I do question her judgment," Sanders said at the debate in the New York borough of Brooklyn.

"I question her judgment which voted for the war in Iraq, the worst foreign policy blunder in the history of this country," he said. "I question her judgment about running Super PACS that are collecting tens of millions of dollars from special interests ... I don't believe that is the kind of judgment we need."

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Clinton, 68, responded the charges were also an attack on President Barack Obama, who as a candidate raised money on Wall Street and had Super PACS, outside funding groups that can raise unlimited sums of money.

Clinton called it a "phony attack that is designed to raise questions when there is no evidence or support to undergird the insinuations that he is putting forward in these attacks."

Daily News Interview

Clinton said Sanders had begun to show his lack of depth on policy issues. She cited an interview with the New York Daily News editorial board where she said he was unable to clearly explain how he would achieve his oft-stated goal of breaking up the big banks.

"You need to have the judgment on Day One to be both president and commander-in-chief," Clinton said.

Pressed on what Clinton had done to show she was influenced by the money she had raised on Wall Street or her speaking fees, Sanders said she was too busy giving speeches to Goldman Sachs to break up the big banks.

"He cannot come up with any example because there is no example," Clinton replied. "I stood up to the behavior of the banks when I was a senator."

Clinton, who has repeatedly attacked Sanders for his vote in Congress for a bill that protected gun manufacturers from being sued over the criminal use of their products, confronted the US senator from Vermont when he laughed as she discussed her accusations.

"It's not a laughing matter," she said.

When asked about a Connecticut judge's decision to side with victims of the Sandy Hook shooting spree against gun manufacturers, Sanders said he did not owe the families of the victims an apology for his stance.

During the debate, Clinton, who had supported raising the minimum wage to $12, said she would sign a bill raising it nationally to $15. Sanders, who has not released his full tax returns yet, said he would release his full 2014 returns on Friday.