Evidence given by India against Jaish admissible in Pak courts

Members of the Pakistani joint investigation team arrive at the National Investigation Agency headquarters in New Delhi on Wednesday (PTI)
The material evidence that is being shared by the national investigation agency (NIA) with the visiting Pakistani investigators on Jaish-e-Mohammed's involvement in Pathankot terror attack will be admissible in the courts in Pakistan, revealed a senior government functionary raising hopes of brining Maulana Masood Azhar to justice.

"It (evidence) is more than enough for Pakistan to go after Jaish and punish them," said the highly placed source adding that the NIA has provided joint investigation team (JIT) evidence as per their request that they had asked for to effectively prosecute perpetrators of Pathankot attack back home in Pakistan.

"We were told that Pakistan would require evidence under section 188 of their criminal procedure code (Cr PC) to produce it back in their courts. It is equivalent to India's Letter Rogatory and empowers them to collect evidence of their nationals involved in crimes in other countries. The handing over of evidence started today and will continue tomorrow or day after. It will also include examination of witnesses. The Pakistani investigators have expressed their satisfaction," said the source.

"The evidence we have gathered and given can withstand any international scrutiny. Even the DNA testing of the terrorists killed that has been shared with Pakistan is as per international norms applicable all over the world and cannot be refuted," added the source.

Expressing satisfaction over two days parleys, NIA director general Sharad Kumar said the Pakistani team has shared its investigation details with the Indian agency. He refused to give any details saying it would harm the investigation.

"We have handed over list of what we need from them. We are in the process of handing over documents which they have asked from us," said Kumar.

Asserting that the principle of reciprocity agreed between India and Pakistan will allow similar facilitation to NIA team in Pakistan, inspector general, Sanjeev Kumar Singh said, "Reciprocity means what all we are doing in terms of help/cooperation to the JIT, the same would be done by them."

However, the itinerary of NIA's visit to Pakistan is yet to be fixed.

Pakistani investigators will examine key witnesses of Pathankot terror attack on Thursday and if need be on Friday. This would include Gurdaspur SP Salwinder Singh, his jeweller friend Rajesh Verma and personal cook Madan Gopal. The examination will be done not directly but through NIA officials.