IMD issues heat wave warning for Rayalseema and Telangana

35 lives have been claimed in Telangana due to heat wave.

The Indian Meteorogical Department on Friday issued a weather forecast saying heat wave conditions will continue to prevail at isolated places in Telangana, Odisha and West Bengal.

Telangana continued to be in the grip of severe heat wave conditions with several parts of the state recording high temperatures between 40 and 45 degrees Celsius on Friday. Over 35 lives were claimed in Telangana due to heat wave, an official report said on Thursday. The highest maximum temperature of 44 degree Celsius was recorded at Anantpur, Rayalseema.

Minimum temperatures are expected to be markedly above normal at a few places in Rajasthan as temperature soared at 43.4 degree Celsius on Friday.

ALSO READ IMD issues heat wave warning for Rayalseema and Telangana

Rainfall occurred at a few places over Kerala. Isolated rainfall occurred over Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and South interior Karnataka. Dry weather prevailed over Telangana, Lakshadweep, Coastal and North interior Karnataka.


According to the IMD Weather warning, heat wave condition is very likely to prevail over parts of Telanaga, Rayalseema and interior parts of Tamil Nadu on 15th and 16th of April. Heat wave conditions also likely expected at isolated places in West Madhya Pradesh and Vidarbha in Maharashtra.

ALSO READ Watch: Woman makes omlette on ground as heat wave intensifies in Telangana


Maximum temperature is likely to increase by two degree Celsius over North interior Karnataka during next two to three days.


FOR NEXT 24 HOURS: The sky condition likely to be generally cloudy. Maximum and minimum temperature likely to be around 37 and 29 degrees Celsius respectively.

FOR NEXT 48 HOURS: The sky condition likely to be partly cloudy. Maximum and minimum temperature likely to be around 36 and 29 degree Celsius respectively.

New data released on Thursday reveals March 2016 was the warmest since at least 1891 in the same month, which makes the Earth's 11th consecutive month to set a global temperature milestone.

The data was provided by the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) and a separate analysis using computer model data. Agencies like NASA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and the UK Met Office, will also share their own analysis of March's temperatures to see if the figures may vary compared to the historical record. (Read more here: March 2016 was Earth's 11th-straight warmest month on record)