Kathie Lee & Hoda: We love Spanx, but wearing only one pair at a time

Our love for Spanx knows no bounds.

When it comes to gym attire, Allison WIlliams prefers Spanx. Michael Stewart/Getty Images
When it comes to gym attire, Allison WIlliams prefers Spanx.

Our love for Spanx knows no bounds. There’s nothing like the security of shimmying into those trusty jiggle concealers — we like the kind that look like bicycle shorts and hit just above the knee — knowing once they’re on, it’s smooth sailing ahead. We’ve heard about people wearing two pairs at a time, but we’re one hit wonders when it comes to high powered shape shifters. But we were pretty surprised to hear that ”Girls” star Allison Williams says she wears Spanx to the gym! “This is my gift to you: Spanx makes the most incredible exercise spandex. I wear them almost every day,” she told Harper’s Bazaar. “They have a little control top, so they’re flattering. I’ll often stay in exercise clothes all day.”

HK : Oh, I’ve seen her with no clothes on! We all have. And she does not need Spanx!

KLG : She’s very slender. But maybe they give her a sense of security.

HK : Spanx are a good place to stash things. You can actually slide a cellphone up your thigh — a great place for a phone if you don’t have a pocket!

KLG : Hoda puts her microphone pack in there too.

HK : My pack fits in there nicely.

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Sean Connery (r.) is Kathie Lee and Hoda's favorite James Bond.

KLG : Because it gets nice and hot. And you know she likes that.

HK : I find if you have two pairs on, the oozing factor is high. Because your fat is yelling, ’I need to go somewhere!’ Your fat needs a place to go, people. And it’ll find its way, one way or another.

KLG : I don’t even know how you would wear two pairs. To be honest, I got a little nervous when you said the word “oozing,” wasn’t sure where you were going with that.

HK : One pair only!


Everyone’s got their favorite Bond, but not everyone has had a personal encounter with the man who tops their list!